Every member of your congregation lives, works and plays in an increasingly secular world. They engage culture every day, whether they know it or not.
Pastors and church leaders, do you equip them to engage it with the gospel?
A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture can help. In this new e-book, Dr. Bruce Ashford gives you a framework to understand what culture is — and the tools to engage it with the gospel.
You’ll discover what culture is, why its important and how you can engage it with the gospel.
Here are three reasons you must read A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture:
1. You can’t (and shouldn’t) avoid culture.
Maybe you think that culture is something that can be avoided or ignored. But, as Ashford says, ignoring culture isn’t only unwise; it’s impossible.
In our evangelism and church planting, we must recognize that the gospel is always proclaimed, the church is always planted, and the Christian life is always lived within a cultural context (through human language, oratory, music, categories of thought, etc.).
Since you can’t escape culture, you need to understand it — and discover how you can engage it with the gospel. A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture helps you do both.
2. You’ll learn how the gospel transforms all spheres of life (not just the churchy ones).
When we talk about the gospel, we often think about our private relationship with God. Ashford says,
We are tempted to allow Jesus to have his lordship over certain areas of our lives, such as church worship and personal devotions, but forget about him when we enter the workplace, participate in leisure activities, or interact in politics and public life.
But God cares about more than your private spiritual life. “The gospel was designed to transform every sphere of God’s world,” Ashford explains.
What does it look like for you to allow the gospel to impact the rest of your life? A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture contains an entire chapter to help you answer that question.
The gospel was designed to transform every sphere of God’s world.
3. It’s Completely Free.
We want to help you think well about culture — so we’re giving away A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture for free.
Simply sign up for our weekly email newsletter, and we’ll give you free access to the e-book.