
5 Resources to Help Christians Navigate the Transgender Debate

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The Trump administration recently announced its decision to rescind a mandate from the Obama administration that dealt with how public schools accommodate transgender students. This decision has brought the transgender debate back to the public square.

Now is an important time for Christians to know what they believe about this complex topic and why. Here are some of Intersect’s most timely resources for addressing this question.


Rosaria Butterfield was a leftist feminist lesbian who hated Christians. Then she became one. In a recent conversation at Southeastern Seminary, she explained how the Supreme Court redefined personhood:

You simply cannot have even a concept of transgender rights without a complete redefinition of personhood, and you cannot have transgender rights without an overwhelmingly societal embrace of postmodernism and postmodernity as a social good. That is the real issue. Watch Now>>


Jean-Yael Wallis was a girl, but she wanted to be a boy. In this post, she explains what that was like, how she found strength, and what the church can learn. She writes,

Ultimately, the church is going to be the key to helping all people navigate through tough issues. In order to do that, we need to open a dialogue about these struggles. People need to know that it is okay to struggle, but it is not good to struggle alone. Read More>>


The transgender debate is causing Christians to reevaluate what we believe about personhood. Amber Bowen brings us into the conversation. She writes,

‘Stuck’ is the word Jenner repeatedly used throughout the interview to describe his personal identity in relation to his physical body.

Upon hearing these statements, psychologists would immediately identify an obvious case of gender dysphoria. Philosophers, however, would recognize the basic tenants of Substance Dualism. Read More>>


Why have psychologists and surgeons remained oddly quiet in the transgender debate? Amber Bowen explains in this thought-provoking piece. She writes,

Gender dysphoria is the only diagnosis in the system in which the treatment agrees with the disorder. Read More>>


Mark Yarhouse offers wisdom for pastors who want to help people navigate gender dysphoria. He explains,

What’s under the surface of the iceberg is much more substantive, and that is a need for intimacy, a need to be loved, a need for identity, compassion, spiritual questions (‘Does God love me? Does God like me? Do you want me here?’). A lot of churches, in my view, are at their best when they minister to what’s under the surface, and not overreact to what’s above the waters. Watch Now>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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