Rosaria Butterfield rocked the Evangelical world with her “train wreck conversion.” “As a leftist lesbian professor, I despised Christians,” she said. “Then I somehow became one.”
Butterfield recently spoke at Southeastern Seminary. In the first thirteen minutes, she recounted her personal journey. Later, she explained why “people are hungry for authentic Christianity.” Next, she addressed the significance of the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage.
After that, Mark Liederbach highlighted six passages in which scripture addresses homosexuality — Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and 1 Timothy 1:10.
The gay community, he argued, tries to deal with these passages in four incorrect ways:
- They say the Bible does not oppose homosexuality because it does not speak of “true” or “innate” homosexuality or “orientation.”
- They argue that Hebrews 8:13 says that the New Covenant makes the old one “obsolete and outdated.” Thus the Old Testament Law no longer applies.
- They say the Bible’s teachings ought to be respected but the Holy Spirit has revealed a more updated ethic.
- Or they claim that “my God is a loving God.” The Bible opposes homosexuality but the specific injunctions must be placed in the larger biblical context of “love.”
After Dan Heimbach elaborated on these points, Rosaria Butterfield responded. Here’s a transcript of her comments (starting at 33:50).
It’s really not the fault of gay rights activists that people don’t read their Bibles properly.
“I have a number of thoughts on this subject. One is that this gestalt in what the Bible means could not have taken place if Bible-believing Christians had really been reading their Bibles. I don’t mean to be the home-school mom with the spanking spoon here, but it’s really not the fault of gay rights activists that people don’t read their Bibles properly.
“I expect gay rights activists to throw everything they’ve got. And I expect the average, Bible-believing Christian sitting at home, having said, ‘It’s never about six pesky verses, because the Bible is a unified biblical revelation.’ So when your neighbor says it’s about these six pesky verses, I expect the homeschool mom who’s also walking her dog to say, ‘Think about a tapestry. If you plucked out six threads, it would collapse. The Bible has never been about six pesky verses. Who told you that?’
“So part of me would like to both encourage and rebuke Christians at this point. If we’re unhappy with the way the Bible is being talked about and treated, we need to know it a whole lot better than we do. We need to be reading it more than we’re reading anything else. And if we’re so keen on Facebook doctrine, maybe we need to… increase our biblical doctrine. Because the world’s not going to do that.”