Daniel Heimbach, Senior Professor of Christian Ethics at Southeastern Seminary, recently delivered a lecture titled, “Recent Developments in Christian Ethics.” In it, he highlights developments in Christian ethics which have occurred within the past 100 years.
Heimbach is an ordained Southern Baptist minister, fellow of the SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, chairman of the Christian ethics planning unit for the Evangelical Theological Society, general editor of the B&H Christian Ethics series, referee for the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society and contributing editor for the Journal of Faith and War.
He has been teaching Christian Ethics at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary since 1993. Before that he served 1 year as Executive Director of the Defense Readiness Council, 2 years as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower, 2 years on the White House staff under President George H. W. Bush both as Associate Director for Domestic Policy and as Deputy Executive Secretary to the Domestic Policy Council, and 2 years as Political Advisor and Legislative Assistant to Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana.
Professor Heimbach has written or contributed to fourteen books, and has written more than sixty articles and book reviews, provided expert witness to the United States Congress, and contributed to thirteen articles on various ethical issues included in the English Standard Version Study Bible.
Watch the video above.