Summer Reading List

Servant Teaching | Chuck Lawless’ Summer Reading Recommendations

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As summer begins, we want to help you craft the perfect Summer Reading List. We asked Southeastern Seminary professors what books they would recommend, and we’ll share their recommendations in coming weeks.

Today, Dr. Chuck Lawless recommends three books for your summer reading list.

I’ve found it remarkably applicable to pastoral ministry.

Servant Teaching: Practices for Renewing Christian Higher Education
by Quentin Schultze (Edenridge Press, 2022)

I’m currently reading the book Servant Teaching: Practices for Renewing Christian Higher Education by Quentin Schultze, a long-time professor in a few institutions. I picked up this book to work on improving my teaching even at this stage of my career, but I’ve found it remarkably applicable to pastoral ministry, too. The book consists of 30 simple, short steps to help us communicate better as we teach, including steps like, “Fill Your Heart with Gratitude,” “Embrace Your Calling,” and “Name Names.” Servant Teaching a practical, relevant read.

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