
#FaithandCulture Reading: Misappropriation of MLK, Human Dignity, Special Needs and Fragmented Culture

Have conservative Christians misappropriated the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr? How can we fight for human dignity? What can we learn from the life a child with special needs? And can the church play a role in unifying culture?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Jemar Tisby, Dan Darling, Aaron Earls and Allyson Todd in today’s #FaithandCulture Roundup.

The Misappropriation of Martin Luther King, Jr.

You probably saw a handful of Martin Luther King, Jr’s inspirational quotes making their way around social media. You probably didn’t read some of the quotes Jemar Tisby uncovers in this article. Tisby writes,

One way to prepare for the inevitable persecution that comes with justice movements is to accurately remember leaders of those movements. To eviscerate King’s ministry of its more controversial elements is to misappropriate his legacy and hamstring the stride toward freedom. Read More>>

More than Hashtags: Fight for Human Dignity

Want to fight for human dignity? It will take more than hashtags, says Dan Darling in this piece at The Gospel Coalition. He writes,

We often think the loudest voices on social media are doing the most work, but the truth is much more relief is being done in local communities by people without a Twitter account. Think of the thousands who’ve left comfortable homes to serve as medical and vocational missionaries with the IMB. Think of the many who work for relief agencies like World Vision and World Relief in some of the most troubled parts of the globe. Think of the doctors fighting diseases in developing countries. Read More>>

How My Special-Needs Sister Teaches Me to Trust God’s Heart

Over at For the Church, Allyson Todd tells the story of her sister with Down’s Syndrom in honor of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. She writes,

According to my mom’s doctors, Amanda would have had a low quality of life and they recommended abortion. 90-92% of babies diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome in the womb are aborted. Thanks to the faithfulness of my parents, Amanda has proved those doctors wrong, and her graduation party is a testimony of that. Read More>>

Church as Unifier: In Today’s Fragmented Culture, Could the Church Be an Oasis of Unity?

Aaron Earls reflects on how fragmented our culture is, and he looks to the church for a solution, in this article at Facts and Trends. He writes,

There’s a reason Martin Luther King Jr. and others have said Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in the nation. Yet the church has a biblical command to pursue unity. We also have a heavenly vision of the ultimate fulfillment of that pursuit. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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