
#FaithandCulture Reading: Heartbeat Bills, Prolongued Suffering, Pornography, Leadership

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In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today we highlight resources from Chelsea Patterson Sobolik, Katie Crosby, Leigh Gust and Trevin Wax.

I’m Pro-Life. That Means Protecting the Unborn from Abortion and Also Caring for Women.

At USA Today, Chelsea Patterson Sobolik discusses the recent heartbeat bills, and she refutes the notion that we must choose between caring for the woman or caring for the unborn child. She writes,

The posture of our heart should be to empower women, but empowerment doesn’t look like allowing a woman to end her baby’s life. Heartbeat bills are designed to save the lives of unborn children. We slow down and acknowledge what we’re actually talking about — a little baby, in utero, whose heartbeat has been detected. We’re passing laws to save the lives of those little ones. Since when is it heartless to save the life of a baby?

Who Am I If the Most Productive Part of My Day Is Making My Bed?

Katie Crosby gives you an inside look at the weariness of prolongued suffering. What does “productivity” and “work” look like in that context? Here’s an excerpt from her piece at Fathom Magazine:

When life was easy, I read the Bible’s teachings on suffering as if I’d picked up a book about World War II—pleased to learn but detached from the experience. But when my health took an unexpected dip, and I could barely leave the house anymore because of the pain, I discovered that I was no longer reading about suffering from a distance but parachuting out of a fighter jet straight into enemy territory.

How to Lead a Child’s Heart Away from Porn

Leigh Gust delivers a 10-point discussion guide on how parents can train children’s hearts away from pornography in this post from The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. She writes,

I know the real you. The real you loves to laugh, be outside, enjoy friendship, conversations, games, and sports. You love drawing and animals and football. That is the real you. When you are engaging in porn, however, it is like pouring vinegar on soda—the images, feelings, urges, the guilt— it sizzles away at the real you. The addictive nature of porn will change your affections.

We Need Leaders Alert to Dangers from More Than One Direction

Trevin Wax offers a pointed word of challenge to Christian leaders: Danger comes from more than one direction. He writes at The Gospel Coalition,

What we need are leaders skilled in fending off threats from more than one direction. We need leaders willing to hold up the Scriptures and fearlessly proclaim truths that get to the root of our sins, failures, and dysfunctions, no matter what political or theological categories get crossed. We need leaders who will not let fear dictate their theological statements or determine their cultural posture. We need leaders with the dexterity and discipline to challenge problematic positions no matter where they come from.

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  • abortion
  • pornography
  • pro-life
  • suffering
  • vocation
  • Weekend Reading
  • work
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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