2023 in Review: Your Favorite Podcast Episodes

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A few weeks ago, we asked you to nominate your favorite episodes of the Christ and Culture podcast. You flooded our inboxes with your picks, nominating dozens of different episodes.

We tallied the votes. And, without further ado, here are your favorite podcast episodes of 2023.

1. Jonathan Darville: Making Sense of Suffering

Suffering is something few of us want to think about, but all of us will experience. How can we navigate suffering well as Christians? Jonathan Darville endured years of intense suffering. He told us about his journey and what he learned about God in the process.

Here are some of your comments:

  • “Jonathan’s hope from, and heart for the Gospel is infectious; and the message is a sobering testament to having an unshakable joy in the midst of temporal suffering, that can only exist from a deep love for, and belief in the gospel.” — Andrew F.
  • Jono has a unique testimony, one which garnered him spiritual insights many of us lack (I did) as I have not had to endure intense and prolonged suffering of the type which he endured. My faith was encouraged as I heard how God worked in his life, sanctifying him through the crucible of his illness which, though it nearly cost him his life, transformed his life and the lives of many around him. — Steve W.

2. Gavin Ortlund: The Apologetics We Need Right Now

What is the state of apologetics, and what kind of apologetics do we need right now? Dr. Gavin Ortlund returned to the podcast to discuss these important questions with Dr. Ken Keathley. What kinds of questions are people asking? What is the greatest challenge for apologetics today? What is deconstruction, and how should we respond to it?

Here are some of your comments:

  • “It expanded my knowledge and understanding of apologetics.” — Ken L.

3. Ant Greenham: Making Sense of the Crisis in Israel

What’s going on in Israel, and how can we pray? This episode wa devoted exclusively to the biggest headline in the world — crisis in Israel.

Here are some of your comments:

  • “There were many excellent episodes this year (some which I am still catching up on!), but this one in particular stands out because of its timeliness, scope, and careful presentation of a complex current event.” — Erin S.
  • “I thought it helped provide a biblical perspective on a pressing issue.” — Kimberly H.

4. (tie) Artificial Intelligence Roundtable: Eddy Wu, Derek Schuurman, and Jeremy Peckham

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere. What exactly is it, what challenges does it present? And (most importantly), how can we think Christianly about it? In today’s episode, we talk to three experts in the field of AI. They discuss these questions and more — including what new AI innovations may be on the horizon.

Here are some of your comments:

  • “I think there’s a real benefit in getting practitioners and experts to speak on this subject. While there is a benefit to ethicists and theologians writing and speaking on this subject, it is in desperate need of survey from those who know it best. I think this podcast does exactly that.” — Christopher T.
  • “AI is here and here to stay. Being informed about it as a ministry leader is imperative to knowing how to handle conversations with church members that will inevitably arise. It was well done and gave good conversation points for my students.” — Joshua R.

4. (tie) Infertility & Miscarriage Roundtable: Kristin Kellen, Jenn Hesse, Kelsey Hamilton, & Megan Dickerson

In this first installment of Roundtable Discussions on Challenges to Humanity, Megan Dickerson talks to Dr. Kristin Kellen, Jenn Hesse, and Kelsey Hamilton about infertility and miscarriage. It’s a weighty but important conversation.

Here are some of your comments:

  • “The panel was exceptionally well selected, and this topic is really something that impacts so many people in the church and knowing how to minister to them and having the experience of those who have personally experienced this and counseled others along with resources is a blessing. I have a new friend who is struggling in this regard, and I want so much to love on her and help bring her peace, thank you.” — Laura C.

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MA Ethics, Theology, and Culture

The Master of Arts Ethics, Theology, and Culture is a Seminary program providing specialized academic training that prepares men and women to impact the culture for Christ through prophetic moral witness, training in cultural engagement, and service in a variety of settings.

Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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