Challenges to Humanity

Ant Greenham: Making Sense of the Crisis in Israel

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In the Christ and Culture podcast with Ken Keathley and Benjamin Quinn, we explore how the Christian faith intersects all avenues of today’s culture through conversations with leading thinkers.

Today’s Episode:

What’s going on in Israel, and how can we pray? Today’s episode is devoted exclusively to the biggest headline in the world right now — crisis in Israel. And since this story is rapidly developing, we’re releasing this episode early.

Here to discuss is our own Dr. Ant Greenham. Dr. Greenham served as a diplomat in the Middle East, and he joins us to explain what’s going on and why. Among the topics of conversation:

  • Who is Hamas? How are they different than the PLO or Hezbollah?
  • What’s the difference between Gaza and the West Bank?
  • Why all the violence now? What is Hamas’ goal with the violence?
  • Could Iran be behind the attacks?
  • How might the Islamic faith — specifically, the concept of an unknowable God — play a role in the terrorists’ motivations?
  • How were the attacks comparable to previous attacks, such as the Yom Kippur War in 1973 or the Holocaust?
  • What are the greatest concerns moving forward?
  • And, most importantly, how can we pray?
I’m very afraid things are going to get worse before they get better.

Additional Resources:


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  • Challenges to Humanity
  • current events
  • public square
Christ and Culture Podcast

Christ and Culture Bush Center

The Christ and Culture podcast with Drs. Ken Keathley and Benjamin Quinn seeks to connect faith with every aspect of your life.

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