In the Christ and Culture podcast with Ken Keathley and Benjamin Quinn, we explore how the Christian faith intersects all avenues of today’s culture through conversations with leading thinkers.
Today’s Episode:
What’s going on in Israel, and how can we pray? Today’s episode is devoted exclusively to the biggest headline in the world right now — crisis in Israel. And since this story is rapidly developing, we’re releasing this episode early.
Here to discuss is our own Dr. Ant Greenham. Dr. Greenham served as a diplomat in the Middle East, and he joins us to explain what’s going on and why. Among the topics of conversation:
- Who is Hamas? How are they different than the PLO or Hezbollah?
- What’s the difference between Gaza and the West Bank?
- Why all the violence now? What is Hamas’ goal with the violence?
- Could Iran be behind the attacks?
- How might the Islamic faith — specifically, the concept of an unknowable God — play a role in the terrorists’ motivations?
- How were the attacks comparable to previous attacks, such as the Yom Kippur War in 1973 or the Holocaust?
- What are the greatest concerns moving forward?
- And, most importantly, how can we pray?
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