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In Christ & Culture podcast with Dr. Ken Keathley, we explore how the Christian faith intersects all avenues of today’s culture through conversations with leading thinkers.
Today’s Episode: What are the unique lessons we can glean from Matthew’s Gospel? On today’s episode, Professor Charles Quarles shares his insights and research on the book of Matthew.
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As the new Moses, Jesus is first of all a Savior and deliverer, but he’s going to lead us on a different kind of Exodus.
Why are there differences between the gospels?
“Most of the disagreements between the gospels are an effort on the part of the Gospel writer to highlight the theological significance of the actual event. They do not change events. They do not create events. But they report them in such a way that their significance becomes clearer to their original audience.”
Why does Jesus refer to himself as Son of Man?
“He fulfilled some of their expectations…. He exceeds their expectations by not only royal but also divine. Jesus’ favorite title for himself in the Gospel of Matthew and the synoptic Gospels is not Messiah, Christos, but it’s actually the Son of Man. I think the reason he preferred that title is because that allowed him to define Messianic expectations in light of the Old Testament prophets without all the assumptions of the rabbinic teachers of the day…”
“When Jesus calls himself the Son of Man, I’m convinced he’s actually defining his deity as clearly as any other Christological title we’ll find in the New Testament.”
Jesus as the new Moses
“As the new Moses, Jesus is first of all a Savior and deliverer, but he’s going to lead us on a different kind of Exodus — not out of bondage to a Pharaoh in Egypt, but out of bondage to sin and Satan.”
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