What are some ways you can help war-torn Aleppo? What surprising message is in It’s a Wonderful Life? How should we remember Ruby Bridges’ famous de-segregation walk? In what ways can you help someone in poverty? Is it possible to be a Christian at Christmas? And what do Evangelicals believe about physician-assisted suicide?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Ed Stetzer, Kevin DeYoung, Liberty McArtor, Erin Wyble Newcomb, Kathryn Feliciano and more in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
Here’s How You Can Help Aleppo Right Now
The battle for Aleppo is over, and the city now faces what World Vision calls “the most dire” situation they’ve ever seen. How can you help? Relevant Magazine has some suggestions. They write,
More details about the state of the city are rolling in every hour, but what we do know is that people there are facing what experts are calling one of the greatest humanitarian crisis of this generation. And people, especially Christians, can’t ignore it. Here are 4 organizations doing work in Aleppo worth supporting. Read More>>
The Pro-Life Message in It’s a Wonderful Life
Before you re-watch It’s a Wonderful Life this Christmas, read Liberty McArtor’s thoughts on the movies striking pro-life message. Over at Stream, she writes,
In the movie, George Bailey’s life isn’t wonderful because it’s extraordinary. It’s wonderful because it’s life. He realized that when he stood on the bridge and cried out to heaven to get it back. Read More>>
Ruby Bridges and the Problem We All (Still) Live With
Over at Christ and Pop Culture, Erin Wyble Newcomb reflects on the 66th anniversary of Ruby Bridges’ famous walk to integrate a Southern school. She writes,
Christians in particular need serious examination of conscience—and sometimes radical surgery — to excise the sins of racism. I don’t see how hatred of God’s children, created in His image, can be anything but sinful, and I think we must be vigilant in confronting, as the confessional reminds us, not just what we’ve done, but what we have left undone. Read More>>
What Are the Best Ways for Christians to Help the Poor Break the Cycle of Poverty?
What are some practical ways Christians can help the poor? Over at The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics, Kathryn Feliciano collected a series of bite-sized tips from experts in poverty alleviation. Here’s one of the nuggets she shares:
We cannot fix poverty with money. Poverty is not primarily a lack of money. It is mostly a lack of institutions, a lack of access to things like markets. They don’t have access to markets. They don’t have access to work opportunities. Read More>>
10 Ways to be a Christian at Christmas
It’s surprisingly easy to forget Christ at Christmas. Kevin DeYoung offers ten simple solutions. Here’s one of his tips:
Sing like you mean it. Sure, there are a some Christmas carol clunkers, but there are some amazing hymns too (see Hark! the Herald Angels Sing, Of the Father’s Love Begotten, Let All Mortal Flesh, and many more). Belt them out with gusto. Smile and take delight in the familiar sounds of the season. You may not hear them for eleven more months. Read More>>
Recent Research on End-of-Life Issues Reveal Holes in Our Theology
More than half of Christians support assisted suicide, according to recent research. Ed Stetzer explains that the church has some work to do. He writes,
The latest stats by Lifeway Research remind us that God must continue to make us into a people who not only profess His name and His saving work and continual presence, but also who demonstrate we believe it’s true, by following Him in the hardest and darkest places He may take us. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?