In a few weeks, Christian thought-leaders will gather in Nashville for the 2015 ERLC National Conference to help you discover how to engage culture. (If you’re interested in attending, you can get a 20% discount exclusive to Intersect readers.)
Today’s Weekend Reading will give you a taste of what you’ll learn and the people you’ll meet at the conference. Matt Chandler, Russell Moore, Trillia Newbell, Bruce Ashford and Jemar Tisby address homosexuality, abortion, culture, race, politics and more.
Matt Chandler: The Church Must Be a Place Where It’s Okay Not To Be Okay
In this video, Matt Chandler talks about how the church should respond to people struggling with same-sex attraction. He says,
The gospel bids us to come into the light; it doesn’t shame us into the darkness. So the church must be a place where it’s okay to not be okay. Watch Now>>
Russell Moore: Why We Need to Crucify the Idea of “God and Country”
Russell Moore explains what 2 Chronicles 7:14 is really about — and it’s not about “God and country.” He says,
God and country is much easier to teach and preach than Christ and him crucified. Watch Now>>
Trillia Newbell: 5 Reasons We Should Acknowledge Our Differences
Should you be color blind? Trillia Newbell says, no, you should be color smart. She writes,
Instead of pretending like we are color blind, let’s celebrate God’s creation and be color smart. Instead of pretending like there are no differences, let’s get to know one another. Read More>>
Bruce Ashford: Christians Give the World “A Preview of the Kingdom”
Why should Christians minister in the public square? Bruce Ashford argues that we give the world a preview of Christ’s coming kingdom. He says,
We want… to give people a glimpse of what is to come. When we bring our Christianity into the public square, we do that. We give a preview of the justice, love and the peace that is to come. Watch Now>>
Jemar Tisby: Christian, Pro-Life and Black
Jemar Tisby explains why it’s so important for all Christians to be pro-life. He writes,
Children are precious in God’s sight, even when they are still hidden in the womb. Read More>>
Special 20% off discount for Intersect Readers
Simply use the code SEBTS16 to get 20% off the 2016 ERLC National Conference.