What is the link between creation and redemption? What responsibility do we as humans have in creation, and what practical actions we should take now to glorify Christ and advance his kingdom?
The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture is proud to announce The Goodness of Creation and Human Responsibility (Feb. 18-20, 2021)— a Faith + Culture Forum designed to address these important questions.
In this post, get to know one of our speakers, Dr. Mark Liederbach.
Mark Liederbach is Professor of Theology, Ethics and Culture; Vice President for Student Services; and Dean of Students at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Liederbach, who holds a PhD from the University of Virginia, has been teaching at Southeastern since 2000. He is the author of Chasing Infinity: Discipleship as the Pursuit of Infinite Treasure; Defending the Faith, Engaging the Culture: Essays Honoring L. Russ Bush (with Dr. Bruce Little); and True North: Christ, The Gospel, and Creation Care (with Dr. Seth Bible).
Join Mark Liederbach and others at
The Goodness of Creation and Human Responsibility.