In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today we highlight articles from Samuel James, Art Rainer, Sam Morris, Adrianne Miles, Luke Bobo and Lawrence Ward.
How to Leave Porn Behind
How can you leave pornography behind? “Radical repentance begins and ends with delight: delight in God, delight in what he loves, delight in his good gifts, and delight in his promise to never cast you away or leave you,” writes Samuel James at Desiring God.
How to Prepare for a Major Financial Emergency
How much money should you set aside for a financial emergency? Art Rainer answers this question — and shows you how — in this article at Relevant.
How to “Refire” After Retirement
“Retirees have much to offer for the flourishing of their churches, generations, and cities,” write Luke Bobo and Lawrence Ward at Made to Flourish.
Applying Crisis Management to the Church
“Local churches have pasts and those pasts need to be understood by new leadership,” explains Sam Morris at Lifeway Social.
How to Critique a Book
“Stand shoulder to shoulder with Virginia Woolf and every other “impostor” who has questioned their ability to critique. Open a book and experience the thrill and the thoughtfulness of entering into the critical conversation,” writes Adrianne Miles at Lifeway Books.
What articles would you recommend this weekend?