
Recovering the Lost Art of Rest: 5 Articles for Your Labor Day

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On Labor Day, some of us look to find moments to squeeze in extra moments of work. We have a hard time resting. But rest is an inherently good — even biblical — thing. God gave us rest as a gift to restore our bodies and nourish our souls.

In honor of Labor Day, take some time to reflect on the importance of rest. We’ve collected a handful of articles and resources to help.

Larry Trotter

Rest and the Good Life

Rest isn’t just good; it’s a fundamental rhythm of the good life, as Larry Trotter of North Wake Church explains in this video from Wisdom Forum: The Good Life. He says,

  • We are looking for love in all the wrong places.”
Resting in the God who loves me. (credit:

Resting in the God Who Loves Me

Ronjour Locke, Instructor of Preaching and Urban Ministry, explains what he learned about rest from a rest retreat. Here’s an excerpt:

  • How could I be so fidgety when the Most High wants me in his presence?” 
Finding Rest in a World of Workaholics and Slackers. Credit:

Finding Rest in a World of Workaholics and Slackers

Some of us are tempted towards workaholism, while others of us are tempted towards sloth. Rest is neither, explains Walter Strickland. He writes,

  • Rest also recalibrates the market-drive values of the Western mind.
spending time with a God who loves me (credit:

Spending Time with a God Who Loves You

Ashley Dannelly reflects on God’s love and how important it is to spend time with Him. She explains,

  • It’s easy to fall for the lie that God expects us to constantly be at work. But that isn’t true. God also wants us to approach Him expecting rest and rejuvenation.
image credit:

Turning It Off: Embracing God in the Quiet

Do yourself a favor this Labor Day: Turn off the devices, and embrace the quiet. Annie Lavi explains why in this article.

  • I was leaning on noise to make me feel comforted more than I was leaning on the Lord.”

Enjoy your Labor Day!

Editor’s Note: This article originally published on Aug. 29, 2019.


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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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