In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today we highlight resources from Marie Burrus, Joe Carter, Brittany Salmon and Meryl Herr.
Hospitality In Your Virtual Spaces
Marie Burrus offers wisdom on how Christians can show hospitality (“love con carne”) in the digital world in this article at UBA Houston. She writes,
As strange as it may sound, we need to engage in the virtual world with the same vigor and care that we use to engage the mission field, because it’s how we can speak to our culture.
9 Things You Should Know About D-Day
This week we celebrated the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. In this article at The Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter reminds us what D-Day was all about. Here’s one such nugget:
As Marc LiVecche says, ‘D-Day was in many ways the first day of the end of the war in Europe.’ By August, 1944, the Allied forces had liberated northern France and began to move into Germany where they met Soviet forces and ended Nazi rule.
3 Ways to Point Your Kids to Jesus this Summer
Brittany Salmon offers some simple parenting tips in this article at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. Here’s an excerpt:
Summer is a great time to slow down and spend time as a family. It can also be a season where we are tempted to fill up our days with fun and good things, and in an attempt to do it all, we can neglect the most important thing: showing our kids our deep need and love of Jesus.
On the Line: How the Burnout Epidemic Is Affecting Your Pastor
Meryl Herr addresses how burnout affects pastors in this article at Made to Flourish. She writes,
For pastors with higher scores, burnout is one of the most detrimental factors to their overall level of flourishing. Burnout seems to be an insidious factor: it sneaks up on us, quietly tearing away at our well-being.
What other articles would you recommend?