Summer Reading List

Recommended Books for a #FaithandCulture Summer: Culture, Work, the Material World

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In recent weeks, Intersect contributors have recommended books you should add to your summer reading list. (Read the firstsecond, third and fourth lists of recommendations.) Plus, we gave you a list of recommended podcasts.

Today, we conclude this summer series with three of Intersect’s own books on culture, work, the material world and more from Bruce Ashford, Walter W. Strickland II, Benjamin T. Quinn and David W. Jones — so you can have a #FaithandCulture summer. (Quotations are excerpts from the book endorsements.)

Exclusive: Get A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture — Bruce Ashford’s new, free e-book. Details>>

Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians
by Bruce Riley Ashford (Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2015)


William “Duce” Branch: As in each generation, the Christian has both the privilege and responsibility of spreading everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ. In a globalized, and increasingly pluralistic context, the task is often easier said than done. Dr. Bruce Ashford exemplifies in his life that grace for the task has been provided, and he excels with his pen in declaring the all-encompassing reign and relevance of the Lord Jesus. As a personal friend and grateful beneficiary of both his life and work on this subject, I commend Every Square Inch to all who desire to know how the universal rule of Christ impacts every area of life.

Every Waking Hour: An Introduction to Work and Vocation for Christians
by Benjamin T. Quinn and Walter R. Strickland II (Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2016)

Every Waking Hour

Nathan A. Finn: Humans were created for work. It’s a shame so many Christians don’t know how to approach our work–and other vocations–as a key component of our faith. I’m thankful my friends Benjamin Quinn and Walter Strickland have written this timely book. I recommend it as an excellent primer on the Christian understanding of work and calling. I pray the Lord uses it to help us think rightly about God and his world and to pursue our callings in ways that glorify his name, advance his kingdom, and contribute to human flourishing.

Every Good Thing: An Introduction to the Material World and the Common Good for Christians
by David W. Jones (Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2016)

Every Good Thing by David W. Jones

Jason G. Duesing: One grand mischaracterization of the Elizabethan Puritans was that they ‘were so heavenly minded they were of no earthly good.’ While largely wrong of them, there is an element of truth to the claim and all in the evangelical tradition that came from them. That is why a book like Every Good Thing is so timely and helpful. Even though believers in Christ are merely pilgrims in this world on a journey toward a future heavenly home, David W. Jones rightly grounds us in the present to remind us of the stewardship that is ours in the world we have been given for our own good and, even more, the good of others.

Exclusive: Get A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture — Bruce Ashford’s new, free e-book. Details>>

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  • Summer Reading List
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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