What impact does white supremacy have on the mission of God? What lies do stay-at-home mothers tell themselves? What tragedy in Iceland should you be aware of? And how should young professionals engage their work?
Get answers to these questions and more from Scott Hildreth, Jasmine Holmes, Liberty McArtor and Jessica Schroeder in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
Why White Supremacy Frustrates the Mission of God
Over at our sister blog The Center for Great Commission Studies, Scott Hildreth examines the topic of white supremacy from a missional perspective. He writes,
The narrative of white supremacy and cultural superiority will hinder the advancement of the Great Commission. It will taint our attitudes, impact our strategies, and limit our ability to love. This is especially true when we consider the growing ethnic diversity in our country. We will struggle to reach every tribe, tongue, people, and nation if our core values are shaped by an unbiblical view of others or an elevated view of ourselves. Read More>>
4 Painful Lies Stay-at-Home Moms Tell Themselves
Being a stay-at-home parent can be difficult. Jasmine Holmes reflects on those difficulties in this article at The Gospel Coalition. She writes,
In the minefield of the mommy wars, we need to remind ourselves that our identity should be rooted in Christ — not in having an advanced degree, exclusively nursing your toddler, being on track to be a CEO, or being a stay-at-home mom. Read More>>
Iceland is Wiping Out People With Down Syndrome Before They’re Born
Over at The Stream, Liberty McArtor reports on a disturbing statistic in Iceland. She writes,
Since prenatal screenings for Down syndrome were introduced in Iceland in the early 2000s, 100 percent of women whose babies screen positive for Down syndrome have had abortions. Read More>>
The Tension of Being Young in the Workplace
If you’re young in the workplace, you probably experience a mixture of excitement and fear. In this article at The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics, Jessica Schroeder helps you sort through those competing emotions. She writes,
You do have something valuable to contribute to your workplace otherwise you wouldn’t be there. At the same time, recognizing your stance relative to those with more experience (in life and work) is a vital counterbalance. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?