Jonathan Moo discusses ways to love our neighbor as we engage the issue of climate change.
Jonathan Moo is Lindaman Chair and Professor of New Testament and Environmental Studies at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. He teaches and writes in the areas of New Testament, Greek, early Judaism, environmental ethics and science and faith. Moo did his PhD in the Divinity Faculty at the University of Cambridge, and he holds previous graduate degrees in wildlife ecology (M.S., Utah State University) and biblical studies (M.A. OT, M.A. NT, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary). He regularly takes his students into the mountains for study, reflection and recreation, offering a Bible and Ecology course every other January Term at Tall Timber Ranch in the snowy North Cascades. Other years, he and his wife Stacey Moo, an art historian, lead students on a study program in Greece. Moo has been named by Whitworth senior classes as a most influential professor in 2018, 2020, and 2022. His current research and writing is focused on the book of Revelation; a theology of belonging; and environmental ethics. He serves on the board of A Rocha USA, a Christian organization dedicated to biodiversity conservation, and in his free time Moo loves spending time outdoors, especially hiking, backpacking, fly-fishing, and cross-country skiing.