How are humans formed? What factors shape our identities as humans? And what practices lend themselves to human and spiritual formation? The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture is proud to announce Exploring Personhood: Human Formation — our second annual Exploring Personhood conference designed to address these important questions.
In conjunction with this conference, we invite submissions of abstracts on topics relevant to the conference’s theme.
To be considered, please submit a title, abstract (no longer than 250 words), and a CV to [email protected] by Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Judges will review abstracts and invite full paper submissions by Tuesday, November 15, 2022. If your full manuscript is invited, please submit it by Saturday, December 31, 2022 (no longer than 5,000 words). Judges will announce three winning papers by Monday, January 16, 2023.
The winning paper will be published in the Spring 2023 issue of the Southeastern Theological Review. The authors of the top three papers will also win cash prizes ($700, $500, and $300, respectively), and we will publicly recognize the winners at the Exploring Personhood conference in February.
We invite submissions from faculty, PhD students, and ThM students.