In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today, we highlight articles from Os Guinness, Amber Henderson, Trevin Wax, Scott Hildreth and George Robinson.
4 Surprising Practices About the Religious Practice of 20-Somethings
Trevin Wax of The Gospel Coalition offers four take-aways from new research on young adults’ religious practice. He writes,
Most 20-somethings are looking for religious institutions that fulfill spiritual needs or provide social stability as they embark on a personal quest for authenticity and self-discovery.
3 Ways Church Leaders Can Prepare for Abuse Training and Care for Volunteers
Southeastern Seminary student Amber Henderson writes at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission,
We cannot miss the fact that for abuse survivors, especially those who volunteer in our children’s ministries, we are asking them to offer protection for others when they were left vulnerable.
The Freedom We Must Never Take For Granted
Os Guiness discusses the importance of religious liberty at The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics. Here’s an excerpt:
Freedom of religion and conscience is a precious, foundational, and indispensable right, and we must never take it for granted.
From our Sister Blogs
Intersect serves as the blog of the Center for Faith and Culture (CFC) at Southeastern Seminary (SEBTS). Take a few minutes to look at recent posts from our sister Centers:
- A Conversation with Your Kids: Immigration and the Gospel
Dr. Scott Hildreth: “Discussions about God’s mission can confront racist ideas, give a glimpse of hope in the face of deportation, and encourage our children to share Christ with international friends.”
- Why All Good Christians Should Celebrate Halloween
Dr. George Robinson: “The reason I propose that good Christians celebrate Halloween and stay home from the ‘Christian alternatives’ is that Halloween is the only night of the year in our culture where people far from God actually go door-to-door to believing people’s homes.”
What other articles would you recommend?