Ronald Marks, professor of Chemistry at North Greenville University, discusses hermeneutics and the scientific process in this video from the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture’s “Noah’s Flood and the Age of the Earth” conference in 2013.
Watch the full talk above. (Watch all of the lectures from the conference.)
Dr. Ronald C. Marks is a Professor of Chemistry at North Greenville University (NGU). He has three degrees in chemistry, all from The University of Tennessee (B.A., 1982; M.S., 1988; Ph.D., 1994). Before coming to NGU, Dr. Marks served for 20 years as an officer in the US Air Force that including teaching at the US Air Force Academy. Ron is an ordained elder and deacon, and has served in these positions in churches across the US. His research interests include novel synthetic techniques, computer-based modeling of chemicals and chemical reactions, and the interface of faith and science. Ron is a member of the Creation Research Society and Creation Study Group in Greenville, SC. When not teaching at NGU, Ron enjoys discussing philosophy, theology, and just about anything else that affects our work as missionaries in this world.