In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today, we highlight articles from Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra, Raleigh Sadler, Cody Cunningham and more.
Leadership Lessons from Chick-fil-A
Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra and Steve Robinson draw a handful of leadership lessons from Chick-Fil-A:
Building an organization isn’t about marketing or branding strategy. It’s about culture. And culture comes from leadership.
Planned Parenthood Exposed: Fetal Tissue, Bioethics, and the Future of Abortion in America
This podcast from the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission highlights a panel discussion from 2015 when the undercover Planned Parenthood videos were exposed. Steven Harris, Paige Cunningham, Tim Goeglein, and Dr. Freda Bush discuss bioethical issues at the core of the debate and more.
David Platt’s New Book Is Surprisingly Vulnerable
Over at The Gospel Coalition, Raleigh Sadler takes us inside David Platt’s new book, Something Needs to Change. Here’s an excerpt of his review:
Rather than problems explained solely through stagnant statistics, here you find a living story. You learn about actual people who have experienced unimaginable pain. You also get to glimpse how God is using ordinary people to address this overwhelming brokenness.
On Well-Fed Birds and Pretty Flowers
What should you do or think when you feel anxious? Cody Cunningham tackles this question in an article at his blog. He writes,
The best thing we can do when we begin to feel the pangs of anxiety is to go see the birds dance, to see the beautiful flowers sway in the wind, and to rest in the heavenly Father who is sovereignly working all things for our good and his glory.
From our Sister Blogs
Intersect serves as the blog of the Center for Faith and Culture (CFC) at Southeastern Seminary (SEBTS). In a recent post, we introduced you to Dr. Ken Keathley, the direcor of the Center for Faith and Culture. Take a few minutes to look at recent posts from our sister Centers:
- Committed to a Lifetime of Ministry: An Interview with Dr. Greg Mathias
“Working here allows me the opportunity to influence and impact students headed all over this nation and all around the world.”
- Commending Pastors to the Way of Christ: An Interview with Director Ronjour Locke
“I love the Pastors Center because it commends pastors, through content and conferences, to another way: the way of Christ, where the humble are exalted, dying is gain, and hope is real.”
What other articles would you recommend?