
An Intersect List of Recommended Podcasts: Racial Unity, Women’s Discipleship, Leadership, Philosophy

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Last week, our contributors recommended some of their favorite podcasts. This week, they suggest additional podcasts on the intersection of faith and racial unity, women’s discipleship, leadership and philosophy.

Editor’s Note: You can download two Intersect-exclusive ebooks from Bruce Ashford for free. Details>>

United? We Pray
with Trillia Newbell and Isaac Adams

Michael GuyerMichael Guyer: Check out this helpful podcast that addresses the issues of racial unity in the church. Not only do Trillia Newbell and Isaac Adams interview various pastors and Christians leaders on this topic, they take these thoughts, concerns and desires before the Lord in prayer.

This podcast reminds us of where the true power for change, reconciliation and unity lies.

What Have You
with Rebekah Merkle and Rachel Jankovic

Doug PonderDoug Ponder: My wife, Jessica, is a big fan of “What Have You.” And though I fall outside the podcast’s intended audience, I am a grateful beneficiary of its content, which encourages my wife to love her husband and children in tangible ways (Titus 2:4). The hosts are capable women who are talented authors (see here and here), faithful wives, and exemplary mothers to five and seven children, respectively.

Addressing topics from the culinary sin of crock-pot cooking to raising boys in a culture that hates men, the show is earthy discipleship for women — the kind that ‘lands the plane’ close enough to see the dust on the windshield. Even when my wife disagrees with a point of application here or there, she loves their courage and commitment to applying the lordship of Christ to everyday life.

The Christian Humanist Podcast

Josh HerringJosh Herring: In The Christian Humanist Podcasta trio of Christian English professors exemplify the joy and excitement of a lifetime spent cultivating a love of “literature, philosophy, theology, and other things human beings do well.”

They showcase the best of Christian humanism, and their podcast has now been running for almost a decade. It’s great!

Theologian of the Boss
with Daniel Pandolph

Nathaniel Williams: Daniel Pandolph is convinced that Christians have a wealth of untapped wisdom in the field of leadership. In this podcast, he seeks to draw our leadership insights from Christians who work and serve in various fields or vocations.

Daniel oozes with enthusiasm for his topic, and the podcast has already tackled topics like risk, the sacred/secular divide, training the next generation and more.

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