In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of recent weeks on coronavirus and our response to it — featuring selections from Jim Shaddix, Marie Burrus, Cody Cunningham, Tyler Daniel, Joe Carter and more.
- The Proverbial Pandemic
Jim Shaddix at The Pastors Center: “Militantly guard against the lure of idleness by developing daily routines, creating some element of structure to your day, and enlisting some accountability to help keep you on track.”
- Bearing the Weight of “What if…”
Marie Burrus at UBA Houston: “This is what unchecked anxiety will do to us. Fear that drives us away from God will ultimately make us crazy. “
- Our Unchanging God in an Ever-Changing World
Cody Cunningham: “No global pandemic, economic downturn, or scheme of the demonic forces catches our sovereign Lord off guard.”
- Trusting God When Plans Suddenly Change
Tyler Daniel at The Pastors Center: “His provision does not mean things will be easy, but we can be confident that there is rest at the end for those who are weary.”
- When Will Our Church Buildings Reopen?
Joe Carter at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission: “Whether you are a solo pastor or have a staff of hundreds, you need to make plans for how you will respond to the myriad concerns of your congregation.”
From Intersect
Here’s a list of recent articles we published on the coronavirus pandemic. If you missed one, now’s your time to catch up.
- Diagnosing Your Quarantine Entertainment.
Jarryd Bowers: “Being thirsty does not justify drinking from the toilet.”
- 3 Ways You Can Pray for Healthcare Workers During COVID-19
Nathaniel Williams: “Perhaps one of the best ways we can serve those in healthcare is to listen to them, heed their warnings and practice social distancing.”
- 5 FAQ on Faith, Finance and the Stock Market in a COVID-19 World
Ryan Hutchinson and Ross Roggensack: “As stewards, we use the resources God has entrusted to us wisely and for His glory.”
- Love, Justice and the Coronavirus Pandemic (Part 1)
Michael J. Deboer: “Love and justice have a complementary nature—they are intertwined and compatible.”
- 9 Tips for Educators During COVID-19
Kerissa Armstead: “Give yourself and your students grace.”
- The Task of Teaching Remains the Same (and other Observations from Online Instruction)
Josh Herring: “Teachers who move onto a virtual platform in this season will return with a new set of sharpened technological skills that will only benefit their classrooms moving forward.”
- 4 Things I’m Thankful for During #QuarantineLife
Nathaniel Williams: “Perhaps we’ll cling a little less closely to stagnant methods and personal preferences and think outside the box as we seek to reach our neighbors.”
What other articles would you recommend?