
#FaithandCulture Reading: Stay-at-Home Moms, Childlessness, Podcasts and Standing Out at Work

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What can stay-at-home moms teach you about human dignity? How should childless women approach Mother’s Day? What podcasts should you listen to? How can Christians stand out at work? And how can Christians engage culture winsomely?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Jill Waggoner, Allison Hucks, Laura Thigpen, Chelsea Patterson, Bethany Jenkins and Keith Whitfield in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.

What Our Stay-at-Home Mom Taught Us about Human Dignity

Yesterday, Krystal Wilson reflected on the blessings and burdens of being a working mom. In this article at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), Jill Waggoner and Allison Hucks reflect on the vocation of being a stay-at-home mother. They write,

It’s our prayer that like our mother, our lives would be marked by the often slow and laborious walk of faithfulness, service, humility and love—a life that Jesus first walked, and passed down to us. Though she never sought affirmation or applause for her service, this Mother’s Day, we rise up and call her ‘blessed’ (Prov. 31). Read More>>

To the Childless on Mother’s Day

Mothers Day is joyous for many, but it’s particularly difficult for women without children. Chelsea Patterson offers hope in this article at the ERLC. She writes,

It’s easy to feel like your lack of children defines you. Childlessness can be all-consuming. But if you’re a Christian, the core of your identity is rooted in Christ. Read More>>

Listen While You Work…Or Grocery Shop…Or Drive

In a recent Intersect article, Laura Thigpen offered tips for discipling women for cultural engagement. In this post at our sister blog Women’s Life, she offers some specific tips with a few podcast recommendations. She writes,

The point is, we have to be creative with our time. There’s no need to sacrifice challenging your mind for laundry loads when you can do both. Spend time in God’s Word, make your requests known to Him in prayer with thanksgiving, fellowship with other believers, and put your ear buds in and turn up the volume. Read More>>

4 Ways Christians Can Stand Out at Work

Bethany Jenkins offers four tips Christians can stand out at work in this article at The Gospel Coalition. She writes,

As Christians, may we take every opportunity to testify to the compassion, generosity, steadfastness, and authenticity of Jesus. And when we — as sinners — inevitably fail at displaying his fullness, may we also be people who are quick to seek forgiveness from others and God, knowing that our righteousness is found in Christ alone. Read More>>

Keith S. Whitfield: Culture and Discipleship

Keith Whitfield talks about culture, missions, spiritual formation and his new book Spirituality for the Sent in this interview for Outreach Magazine. He writes,

Every generation, the church is called to engage its culture with the gospel. This calling is not to a ministry style or philosophy. Engaging the culture is not explained by ministry methods or techniques. The church is called to reach people with the gospel. And, that calling must be embraced by all the members of the body of Christ. Read More>>

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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