
How Does the Bible Fit Together? 2 Perspectives from Craig Blaising and Stephen Wellum

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How do we make sense of the Bible’s story? How does the Bible fit together? To help you answer these questions, the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture and Office of Ph.D. Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary hosted Drs. Craig Blaising and Stephen Wellum in 2017 for a lecture on progressive convenantalism and progressive dispensationalism.

Here are 3 videos so you can see and understand both of their perspectives.

“The Backbone to the Bible’s Storyline”: Stephen Wellum on Progressive Covenantalism

Stephen Wellum: “What we’re arguing is that Scripture presents a plurality of covenants that progressively reveal our triune God’s one plan for his one people which reaches their fulfillment (its goal, its end, its terminus) ultimately in Christ and the entire New Covenant age — the dawning of the new creation.”

“The Integrity of Ethnic, National, Territorial Israel”: Craig Blaising on Progressive Dispensationalism

Craig Blaising: “Progressive dispensationalism is a redemptive-historical biblical theology that is not supercessionist. It is not replacement theology.”

On Covenants, Kingdoms and Flourishing: A Q&A with Craig Blaising and Stephen Wellum

Wellum: “For my view, inaugurated eschatology is crucial in how fulfillment comes by Christ in terms of the new era. But the way you work it out will depend on how you understand the Old Testament’s unfolding — these plot vectors (for me, going through the covenants) — and how you think the prophets are looking forward.”

Blaising: “We would disagree on the issue of what is inaugurated. I would not say that everything has been inaugurated. Inauguration does not mean that every aspect of the kingdom has been inaugurated. What has been inaugurated is what has been revealed as inaugurated.”

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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