Meet John Behr
Fr John Behr is the Regius Professor of Humanity at the University of Aberdeen, since the summer of 2020, having taught at St Vladimir’s Seminary since 1995, serving there as Dean from 2007–17. Fr John has published numerous monographs with Oxford University Press and SVS Press, most recently a new critical edition and translation of Origen’s On First Principles, together with an extensive introduction, for OUP (2017), and a study of the Gospel of John (OUP 2019); he has also published various works aimed for a more general audience, such as his more poetic and meditative work entitled Becoming Human: Theological Anthropology in Word and Image (SVS Press, 2013). He is currently working on a new edition and translation of On the Making of the Human Being by Gregory of Nyssa and a new edition and translation of the works of Irenaeus.
Lecture Topic
God’s Project and Our Response
Behr: “My talk will examine how the earliest post-NT writers, especially Ignatius of Antioch and Irenaeus of Lyons, understood what it is to be a human being, finding this in following Christ to the Cross, in which we give our own ‘Let it be’ to the project of God announced at the beginning, ‘Let us make a human being in our Image,’ and the background for this in the Gospel of John.”