Challenges to Humanity

Liz Hall — Meet the Speakers of Exploring Personhood: Challenges to Humanity

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What challenges do we face as human beings? How does our faith inform our understanding of mental health, identity, technology, life, and civic engagement?

Join us as we advance the conversation at our second-annual Exploring Personhood conference, presented by the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary on Feb. 21-22, 2024.

In this post, get to know one of our speakers, Dr. Liz Hall, who will deliver a lecture titled, “Meaning-Making, Suffering, and Human Flourishing.”

Meet Liz Hall

Dr. Liz Hall is Professor of Psychology at Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, associate editor of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, the premier journal in the psychology of religion, and past president of Division 36, Society for the Psychological Study of Religion and Spirituality of the American Psychological Association. She is a licensed psychologist in California.  Dr. Hall has received numerous awards for her integrative work in psychology and theology, including APA’s Division 36 William C. Bier Award for outstanding interdisciplinary work on issues of psychology of religion, and the Christian Association for Psychological Study’s Narramore Award for Excellence in the Integration of Theology and Psychology. She has published over one hundred articles and book chapters on a variety of integrative topics, including embodiment, religious doubt, virtues, motherhood, gender issues, and missions and mental health. Most recently, her work has been focused on meaning in the context of suffering, which is supported by generous grants from the John Templeton Foundation and the Templeton World Charity Foundation. She and her husband Todd have two adult sons.

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MA Ethics, Theology, and Culture

The Master of Arts Ethics, Theology, and Culture is a Seminary program providing specialized academic training that prepares men and women to impact the culture for Christ through prophetic moral witness, training in cultural engagement, and service in a variety of settings.

  • Challenges to Humanity
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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