
Transgender Issues, Poverty, Racism & Prison Reform: Gospel Perspectives on Difficult Topics

In a recent video, Rosaria Butterfield addressed a difficult topic (sexual orientation) with gospel clarity. Thousands of you have watched this powerful discussion.

How does your faith influence how you should think about other difficult topics? In the following selections, you get four articles to help you address transgender issues, poverty, racism and prison reform.

Transgender Issues // Stuck: Christians and the Transgender Narrative

Who is Bruce (or Caitlyn) Jenner? Here’s how you can have a helpful and reconciliatory voice in the conversation. Read More>>

Poverty // Gleaning and Giving: Thinking about Poverty Relief

Next time you pass someone holding a “Need Work, Please Help” sign, don’t ask what he did to get himself there. Rather, ask how you can utilize what God has given you to love your neighbor. Read More>>

Racism // The Diversity Discussion: Three Thoughtful Reflections for the Church

Sin wrecks our ability to see beauty in the diversity and tempts us to reject our differences. Evidence of this sin, graphically displayed in Twitter feeds and on city streets, reminds us of our need for the gospel. Read More>>

Prison Reform // Building Relationships: A Bold Solution for a Broken Criminal Justice System

True rehabilitation occurs when we treat root problems and restore broken relationships — not when we seek quick fixes. Read More>>

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  • diversity
  • poverty alleviation strategies
  • transgender
  • wealth and poverty
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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