
#FaithandCulture Reading: Abuse, Marxism, Work, Evangelicalism, Great Commission

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In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today we highlight resources from Scott Pace, Bruce Ashford, Tim Keller, Trevin Wax and James Ford.

An Honest Look in the Mirror (Part 2)

Our friends at the Pastor’s Center have published a series of articles on the abuse crisis. In this article, Scott Pace delivers a stern word of rebuke. He writes,

As a result of our collective, and perhaps individual negligence, our sheep have begun to scatter and to look for alternative sources of compassion and care. But, the scattering of the sheep results in further divisions and debates that plague our churches and denomination as we resort to blame shifting and finger pointing, all the while ignoring those who have been wounded on our watch.

How to Convince Your Neighbor Marxism is Bad for America (A Starter Kit)

Bruce Ashford addresses the topic of marxism in an article over at his blog. Here’s an excerpt:

Untethered as it is from a biblical framework, Marxism’s drive for “equality” becomes an idol and a weapon in the hands of an increasingly strong and oppressive state. But no idol can bear the weight of our eschatological hopes and dreams.

On The Gospel and Justice: It’s a Spectrum, Not Two Sides

Trevin Wax addresses the fault lines in evangelicalism, and he reminds us that how we argue is as important as what we say. He writes,

Worldliness is often manifested not merely in the positions we might take, but whenever we engage in debate the same way unbelievers do. If we fail to stand out in a world of polarization, if we fail to resist the temptation to easy and effective labels because it mobilizes a side, even if they misrepresent people on the spectrum, we may be worldlier than we realize.

How Your Career Could Crush You

The folks at Desiring God speak to Tim Keller about faith, work, and how we can integrate the two. He says,

If you produce a product that makes people’s lives better, even if it is a rather boring process to do it, you are doing God’s work.

All Christianity Is Great Commission Christianity

James Ford writes about the importance (and scope) of the Great Commission over at the International Mission Board. He writes,

The problem isn’t too much of the Great Commission. The problem is too little of a gospel able to showcase the commission’s greatness.

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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