In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today we highlight resources from Bruce Ashford, Marie Burrus, Chelsea Patterson Sobolik and Josh Herring.
Jordan Peterson: High Priest for a Secular Age
Jordan Peterson has become an immensely popular philosopher in recent years. Bruce Ashford analyzes Peterson’s views in light of biblical convictions in this article at The Gospel Coalition. He writes,
Unless Peterson buys wholesale into the Christian faith, his solution is insubstantial; metaphysically, it is little more than a banquet of crushed ice and vapor. Indeed, even though Peterson wisely taps into the power of the Judeo-Christian tradition in the West, he guts it of any real power when he treats it as functionally helpful rather than transcendentally true.
Embracing Christian Views on Abortion and Life
Chelsea Patterson Sobolik writes about the importance of pro-life convictions, and she explains how and why we should advocate for live at Revive Our Hearts. Here’s an excerpt:
Each life is precious to the Lord. He is clear throughout Scripture that He values life, and Christians must follow in His footsteps by protecting and defending it. Not only is this simply the right thing to do, Christians have a biblical mandate to care for life.
Doing Outreach When the “Going” Is Hard
Marie Burrus reflects on her missional opportunities in her life as a missionary and now as a mother in this article at our sister blog at The Center for Great Commission Studies. She writes,
In a lot of ways, my time on the mission field prepared me to look for and hone the skills of ministry in hard situations. That’s not to say life now is hard in the same kinds of ways, but ministry definitely still is. I spend my day surrounded by wonderful and frustrating people who don’t speak my language and don’t yet love Jesus. I find it so difficult to invest in people outside our house when just keeping everyone alive feels huge.
Descrimination at Cornell Political Union: An Interview with Jannique Stewart, a Pro-Life Apologist
Joshua Herring interviews a pro-life apologist in his podcast, “What’s the Res?”
What other articles would you recommend?