
Weekend Reading: Race, Politics, Stay-At-Home-Moms & Christian Pop

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What does race have to do with evangelical politics? Does politics have limits? Should mothers stay at home with their children? Can people with same-sex attraction change? And how upbeat is Christian pop?

Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Walter Strickland, Jen Wilkin, Cherie Harder, Emily Thomes and Leah Libresco in today’s Weekend Reading.

Race and the Political Divide in the Church

African American, Hispanic and white Evangelicals often believe similar truths about God, but they vote in very different ways. Walter Strickland helps us understand why in this post at Conventional Futures.

It is common knowledge that discussing religion, politics, or race are three ways to successfully end a pleasant dinner with friends or family. But if we’re serious about racial diversity, we’re going to have to grapple with the intersection of these three realities. Read More>>

Christian Subculture and the Stay-at-Home-Mom

When it comes to work and vocation, few topics are as hotly debated as the mommy wars. Should mothers stay at home with their children, or should they work outside the home? Jen Wilkin offers wisdom to people asking these questions.

Don’t misunderstand: I am rooting for the [stay-at-home-mom]. I think she is incredibly valuable. I’m just no longer willing to emphasize her value by devaluing her working counterparts, directly or indirectly. Read More>>

Faith Reminds Us of the Limits of Politics

Politics is important, but politics is not ultimate. Cherie Harder reminds us of this vital truth as we navigate a tumultuous Presidential campaign. She writes,

Perhaps one of the most important roles our faith plays in this strange and distressing election season is to remind us that our greatest hopes and needs — for love, connection, meaning, redemption, forgiveness, and purpose — cannot be met by politics or political leaders, but only by and through the One whose kingdom is not of this world. Read More>>

Girl in the Picture

In this testimony, Emily Thomes reminds us of God’s grace and power — even for someone who struggles with same-sex attraction.

My whole life changed that day. Homosexual practice and drug use were my most obvious sins, but there are many others he revealed and — continues to reveal — to me. I still battle same-sex attraction, pride, anger, and a slew of sins, but I trust he’ll complete the work he’s begun. Read More>>

The Sun Is Always Shining In Modern Christian Pop

Ever noticed how insanely positive your Christian pop station is? Leah Libresco of FiveThirtyEight ran the numbers, and they confirms your intuitions.

There were 2.5 times as many mentions of ‘grace’ as ‘sin’ in the songs’ lyrics. Other pairs were even more lopsided: There were more than eight mentions of ‘life’ for every instance of ‘death,’ and ‘love’ was more than seven times as common as ‘fear.’ Read More>>

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