In today’s #FaithandCulture Reading, we cull a brief list of some of our favorite articles of the week. Today we highlight resources from Bruce Ashford, Heath Thomas, Ashley Gorman, Andrew T. Walker, Matthew Lee Anderson and Jeff Haanen.
Holistic Mission and the Gospel of Our King
Bruce Ashford and Heath Thomas share an excerpt from their new book, The Gospel of Our King, in this article at The International Mission Board. They write,
Jesus’s lordship is as wide as creation. And if his lordship is as wide as creation, then the Christian mission is as wide as creation—and, by extension, as wide as society and culture.
Let the Outrage Culture Help You Share the Good News
Ashley Gorman examines outrage culture, and she explains how this culture gives Christians an opportunity. Here’s an excerpt from her article at The Gospel Coalition:
Instead of complex people enjoying constructive dialogue, whether face-to-face or online, we’re increasingly more like brute animals defending our territory. It’s like we’re all Gaston—wild-eyed and seething, with a pitchfork in one hand and lighted torch in the other, awaiting the signal to “kill the beast” on the other side.
Breaking Evangelicalism’s Silence on IVF
Matthew Lee Anderson and Andrew T. Walker address artificial reproductive technologies in this piece at The Gospel Coalition. They write,
IVF is not a medical treatment for infertility, but a way of sidestepping the appropriate use of one’s own reproductive organs and the limits of one’s own bodily life.
Four Practical Ways Pastors Can Love the Workers in their Pews
Jeff Haanen curates a list of practical tips pastors can implement to love the workers in their church in this article at Made to Flourish. He writes,
Pastors can visit parishioner’s workplaces, which shows them you care about seeing where they spend a majority of their time each week. This can be as simple as stopping by for a few minutes or for a lunch meeting.
What other articles would you recommend?