Today we pause to pray for Nice, France in light of the terror attacks. How should we think about terrorism? Plus, will racism and injustice ever go away? Should evangelicals even care about the election any more? What do ‘Pokemon Go’ and G. K. Chesterton have in common? And how can you deal with workplace conflict?
Get thoughtful responses to these questions from Russell Moore, Bruce Ashford, Ed Stetzer, Mark Galli, Trevin Wax, Afshin Ziafat and Spence Spencer and more in today’s Weekend Reading.
Should We Pray For ISIS To Be Defeated Or Converted?
After the Paris terror attack in fall 2015, Russell Moore penned this article on how we should respond to ISIS in particular and terrorism in general. In light of the terror attack in Nice, his words remain timely.
The main problem is that we sometimes forget that we are called to be a people of both justice and justification, and that these two are not contradictory. Read More>>
We Are All Parisians Now: A Christian Response to Global Terror and Radical Islam
Ed Stetzer, Amy Whitfield and Jonathan Howe wrote this article after the Paris attacks. Once again, their comments still resonate with us today.
Times like these are filled with emotion, and that is normal. But let’s make sure that our response is more tempered by the fruit of the spirit than online rhetoric. Don’t get caught up in debates and anger. This is a horrible night, but our story is bigger than this and it ends in hope. Read More>>
The Burden and Promise of Racial Reconciliation
In America, the lingering problem of racism and injustice won’t seem to go away. In this op-ed for Christianity Today, Mark Galli explains why and offers wise encouragement.
So how might we respond to the race narrative, in good times and bad? Simply: we mustn’t imagine justice is around the corner when things are going well, and we mustn’t give up when things are getting worse. We each must do what we can, given our gifts and opportunities, holding steady to the cause. Read More>>
Election 2016: Why Should Evangelicals Even Care Anymore?
This November, Evangelicals have few clear-cut options at the ballot box. Should we just give up? Bruce Ashford tackles this question in an article at The Gospel Coalition. He writes,
Evangelicals, this is the era of American history into which we were born. This is when the Lord determined would be best for us to serve him. Will we waste it by walking away in despair? Will we squander it by engaging out of fear and anger? Or will we embrace the opportunity—remembering whom we serve and where our hope resides? Read More>>
Pokemon Go in a Fractured and Flattened World
What do ‘Pokemon Go’ and G. K. Chesterton have in common? Trevin Wax steps back to explain what the game’s popularity teaches us about our culture, with a little help from the prolific British theologian. He writes,
The popularity of Pokémon Go tells us something about American life in the 21st century. Many people experience the world as flattened out and devoid of wonder, and they worry that our society seems to be fracturing. These feelings create pressure points in our culture, and Pokémon Go provides a fleeting sense of relief. Read More>>
How the Gospel Ends Racial Hostility
Afshin Ziafat, an Iranian-American and resident of Texas, reflects on the Dallas shootings and reminds us how the gospel ends racial hostility.
So we can boycott, protest, and lobby for new laws. These are not necessarily bad things and there is a time and place for them. Ultimately, however, Jesus is the one who breaks down the walls between us. He is our peace by killing the hostility, starting with the hostility in my own heart. As the love of Christ penetrates a heart, the wall of hostility comes crashing down. Jesus is the only one who can break the cycle of hate. Read More>>
Three Biblical Principles for Dealing with Workplace Conflict
We’ve all experienced workplace conflict. What can you do to deal with it? In this post, Spence Spencer offers three biblical suggestions. He writes,
Only one who knows Christ and has been united with him in his death, burial, and resurrection can truly show Christ-like love in the face of wrongdoing and a willingness to forgive. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?