The 10 Most Read Articles of 2021

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So far in our 2021 recap, we’ve highlighted your favorite podcast episodes and articles, as voted in our recent contest. We also looked at the most listened to podcast episodes.

Today, we complete our 2021 recap with the 10 most-read new articles of 2021. Without further ado, here’s the list.

What an African Megachurch Can Teach Your Church (credit:

1. 3 False Gospels Thriving in America

“Anything added to the cross of Christ belittles His grace.”

by Steven Madsen | This article from pastor Steven Madsen highlights key false gospels thriving in our culture. Itwas one of the first we published in 2021. Needless to say, it touched a nerve — as it became the most read new article of 2021 (by a long shot).

Deconstruction and exvangelicals (credit:

2. My Antidote to Deconstruction: Confessions of a Near Exvangelical

“I am now certain I would have abandoned the church had I not been guided into the intellectual bulwark of the church.”

by Jordan Steffaniak | The topics of deconstruction and exvangelicals dominated evangelical discourse in 2021. Jordan Steffaniak’s thoughtful contribution to the conversation was widely read — and the second most read article of the year.

3. Was New Testament Wine Alcoholic?

“New Testament wine (by which I mean the wine ordinarily consumed in the New Testament world) was significantly different from many modern alcoholic beverages.”

by Dr. Charles Quarles | Was New Testament wine alcoholic? Does the New Testament use of wine mean we can drink alcohol as well? Dr. Charles Quarles tackled these difficult questions in this popular article.

Juneteenth expainer

4. Explainer: What Is Juneteenth, and Why Should We Celebrate It?

“Newly freed slaves used their freedom to plant churches and fulfill the Great Commission individually and corporately.”

by Sherelle Ducksworth | Have you ever heard of Juneteenth? In this article, Sherelle Ducksworth gives us the history behind this important holiday and explains why it matters. The piece is a helpful resource, and thousands of you read it.

5. “As Refreshing as a Summer Breeze” | Karen Swallow Prior’s Summer Reading Recommendation

“It’s a compelling, insightful read, and is as refreshing as a summer breeze.”

by Dr. Karen Swallow Prior | Each summer, we ask professors at Southeastern to share their summer reading recommendations. Few of us are as well read as Dr. Karen Swallow Prior, so you really, really wanted to know what book she was goingt to recommend!

Beyond the Top 5

Here are the rest of the top 10 most read articles of 2021:

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Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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