How does Bruce Ashford respond to The Benedict Option? Why has the life expectancy in the U.S. declined? How can we show love to others through literacy? And what how can you improve your writing?
Get answers to these questions and more from Bruce Ashford, Aaron Kheriaty, Kara Bettis, Donna Gaines and John Burkett in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
Bruce Ashford responds to The Benedict Option
Rod Dreher’s Benedict Option has stirred intense debate. In this panel conversation at the National Press Club, Bruce Ashford and others respond to the book and its claims. Ashford recommends an “Abrahamic alternative” to the Benedict Option, and he states,
Sunday morning worship prepares us for Monday morning public life. Watch Now>>
Dying of Despair
Overall life expectancy in the U.S. has begun to decline for the first time since the 1930s. Why? Because of an epidemic of “deaths of despair,” says Aaron Kheriaty in this haunting article at First Things. Here’s an excerpt:
We should let these numbers sink in: Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among adolescents and young adults, and the tenth leading cause of death overall in the United States. Read More>>
Donna Gaines: Showing Neighborly Love Through Literacy
In this article at The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Kara Bettis reports on a literacy initiative from Donna Gaines that targets at-risk children. Gaines says,
From when I was in college, I thought I would do something for needy children…. God can plant a dream in you in college and bring it to fruition. It’s so fulfilling. Everything God has put into my life at this point has prepared me for this. Read More>>
On Disciplined Writing, Part 3: Writing Praxis 101
Looking for some assistance in your writing? Read these suggestions from John Burkett at Between the Times. He writes,
I suggest to my writing students that they should not write for the professor (because that is a recipe for mediocrity) but write instead for “someone whom you respect,” someone with whom you would not mind sharing your work. Awareness of audience transforms writing from a mere “assignment” or “recording data” into “expression” and even “communication” because we are participating in a meaningful social dialogue. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?
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