This weekend, you may be preparing for Thanksgiving festivities with family and friends. As you do so, we’ve collected a handful of important articles on work, orphan care, communism, and social media from Joe Carter, Christy Britton, Sam Morris, Amy Sherman, John Van Sloten in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
Millennials in America Have a Troubling View of Communism and Socialism
Over at the Acton Institute, Joe Carter reports on a troubling trend. He writes,
More Millennials (44 percent) prefer to live in a socialist country than live in a capitalist country (42 percent). Read More>>
When God Opened My Eyes: The Grace of Exposure and the Need for Orphan Care
Christy Britton writes about her personal journey in orphan care. She writes,
God exposed me to orphans, and the thing that I feared came true; everything did change. Read More>>
Understanding Where Social Came From to Understand Where to Go
Sam Morris is a social media guru for Southeastern Seminary. In this article at Lifeway Social, he offers brief history of the medium. Here’s an excerpt:
The history of social is very communal – and in many respects, it remains that way – but because of the subtle shift of 2003 the consistent reality is that we are logging onto a tool to talk about ourselves. Read More>>
How You Experience and Reflect God at Work (Interview with Rev. John Van Sloten)
John Van Sloten recently published an important book on faith and work, Every Job a Parable. (Read our review here.) Over at Made to Flourish, Amy Sherman interviews Van Sloten about the book and more.
My hope in writing this book is that by naming what is right in the world, that right can grow, and people can start to experience God’s presence more. Read More>>
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