Why is Bryan Loritts grateful that his dad didn’t always show up? How can you love transgender people? What does the eclipse teach you about God? And why should part-time workers work like full-time workers? And what books what Bruce Ashford recommend?
Get answers to these questions and more from Bruce Ashford, Bryan Loritts, Andrew T. Walker, Jessica Schroeder and Geoffrey Reiter in today’s #FaithandCulture Reading.
Thanks, Dad, for not (Always) Showing Up
Bryan Loritts’ father didn’t make it to every ball game or every school event. And in this article at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, he tells his father thank you. He writes,
Many children today are being over-served in the attention department. When children take the place of Jesus as the center of the home, they’re set up for failure outside the home. Read More>>
How Your Church Can Love Transgender People
Andrew T. Walker explains how your church can love transgender people in this article at The Gospel Coalition. He writes,
Too often our churches give the impression that the Son of Man came to seek and save good people, not the lost. The antidote to this impression is to embrace the compassion that the Lord extends to each of us—and extend it to others in turn. Read More>>
These 12 Books Will Make You a Better Public Theologian
Want to be a better public theologian? Read these 12 books from Abraham Kuyper, says Bruce Ashford in this article at his blog. He writes,
Leading out on issues at the intersection of Christianity, politics, and public life, [Abraham Kuyper] devoted a substantial and coherent Reformational public theology. His sought to understand and engage culture faithfully through a Christian worldview. His work has influenced countless Christian leaders, including Francis Schaeffer, Chuck Colson, and Alvin Plantinga. Read More>>
Work Like a Full-Time Employee…Whether You Are One or Not
Do you work part-time? Perhaps you should work as if you worked full-time, says Jessica Schroeder in this article at The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics. She writes,
Working with the proper mindset (i.e., one that is bought-in and fully invested) ought to drive us to work with excellence in all things—producing work that honors our companies and brings glory to God. Read More>>
The Total Eclipse and the Sublime God
Over at our Christ and Pop Culture, Geoffrey Reiter reflects on the eclipse and what it teaches us about God. He writes,
I grew up not far from arguably the safest place in the country, and now I live in a state where almost every rain seems apocalyptic. So I entirely understand the wish to focus on the beauty of nature—and of its creator. But like it or not, God, like nature, is also powerful, awful, sublime. Read More>>
What are you reading this weekend?
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