
Recommended Books on Cultural Engagement for a #FaithandCulture Summer

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Summer is in full swing. Now is the time to craft your perfect summer reading list. In the coming weeks, Intersect contributors would like to recommend their suggestions. (Read the firstsecond and third lists of recommendations.)

Today, we highlight four books on cultural engagement from Russell Moore, Andy Crouch, David Platt, John Stonestreet and Warren Cole Smith — so you can have a #FaithandCulture summer.

Exclusive: Get A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture — Bruce Ashford’s new, free e-book. Details>>

Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel
by Russell Moore (Nashville: B&H, 2015)

Jayson RoweJayson Rowe: Christianity is no longer a norm in America — not even in the Bible Belt. Christianity is increasingly viewed as strange, and as Christians, we need to own that strangeness, Moore explains in Onward. We need to be ready to show the world that the kingdom of God comes before anything else and that we answer to King Jesus before anyone else. We must advocate for human rights, religious freedom and moral values while not demonizing our opponents.

We need to be engaging in culture in ways which show the transforming power of the gospel of Christ and be a witness for the Kingdom in the world around us, and Moore’s book is an excellent guide to help all Christians achieve this goal.

Restoring All Things: God’s Audacious Plan to Change the World through Everyday People
by John Stonestreet and Warren Cole Smith (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2015)

Jason BelkJason Belk: Restoring All Things blends encouraging and captivating examples with deep theological and economic teaching. I have learned from both authors’ writing and speaking, having them team up on this book is a delight. John Stonestreet is an expert biblical worldview and cultural commentator, while Warren Cole Smith brings the real-life stories from the World Magazine archives to bear to each of the principles covered. Each chapter ends with a practical list of actions that the reader can take to put into practice each of the variety topics covered in the book (from poverty alleviation to strengthening families).

Counter Culture
by David Platt (Carol Stream: Tyndale, 2015)

Jeremy BellJeremy Bell: This book addresses all the hot button issues of our culture, but addresses these issues through the lens of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

David Platt does a superb job in not only combating these issues on a cultural level, but also addressing these issues on an individual level. Christians who read this book will be challenged to take a stand on the supremacy of the gospel message to engage culture with more passion and zeal.

Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling
by Andy Crouch (Downers Grove: IVP, 2008)

Alysha Clark: This book was formative for me. In it, Andy Crouch showed me what culture is and how as God’s image bearers we create culture and produce good things.

We do these things to glorify God and bless the world by creating change, as Crouch explains.


Exclusive: Get A Pocket Guide to Christianity and Culture — Bruce Ashford’s new, free e-book. Drop your email in the box below, and we’ll send you the instructions to access it. 

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  • Summer Reading List
Center for Faith and Culture

The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence.

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