Christ and Culture

Jonathan Wilson: The Gospel and Creation Care

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In Christ & Culture podcast with Dr. Ken Keathley, we explore how the Christian faith intersects all avenues of today’s culture through conversations with leading thinkers.

Today’s Episode: How should God’s redemptive story for all creation impact our faith, evangelism, and social activism? On today’s episode Rev. Dr. Jonathan Wilson discusses his book God’s Good World and dives deeper into the topic of his recent lecture from the Goodness of Creation and Human Responsibility conference.

You can watch Dr. Wilson’s lecture here — and other lectures from the conference.

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We’re not taught how to bring our bodies fully into our life of discipleship, either privately or publicly.

On the “development of a low-grade gnostic fever.”

“[Gnosticism] was an early way of thinking about the world and approaching life which viewed the world divided between the material, which was evil (not fallen, just evil and couldn’t be redeemed) and the spiritual, which was good. Our problem is that we are good spirits trapped in evil matter. Then it develops further into a doctrine of salvation, that salvation is escaping our bodies. What that means then is that our bodily life doesn’t have much to do with our spiritual life; they’re separate. One of the things that happens is you can do whatever you want with your body as long as your spirit isn’t corrupted, and that just enters into our church life in various kinds of ways.

“The other way gnosticism can go is saying we need to continually flagellate ourselves, we need to treat our bodies badly because they mislead us. So we’re always having to beat up our bodies in various ways.”

On whole-life discipleship.

“We’re not taught how to bring our bodies fully into our life of discipleship, either privately or publicly…. We need to understand how beautiful our bodies and how beautiful all of creation is and understand that as God’s gift to us for our lives of discipleship and witness.”

All things new or all new things?

“We’re headed to that New Jerusalem, and we’re headed to new creation. But it’s a new creation in which God makes all these things new, not all new things. We need to go back ot Genesis 1-2 to discover that this world was created good and understand that the whole story of salvation and redemption is because God wants to reclaim this wonderful, beautiful, good world that God made.”

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  • Christ and Culture
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  • creation care
Christ and Culture Podcast

Christ and Culture Bush Center

The Christ and Culture podcast with Drs. Ken Keathley and Benjamin Quinn seeks to connect faith with every aspect of your life.

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