The Pastor Turned Spy (Brant Himes, Emmanuel and Camille Kampouris on Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Today’s episode is all about Dietrich Bonhoeffer – the pastor who became a spy.
The Pastor Turned Spy (Brant Himes, Emmanuel and Camille Kampouris on Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Today’s episode is all about Dietrich Bonhoeffer – the pastor who became a spy.
Christlikeness Across Cultures: Three International Traditions to Adopt as Believers
When we look across different cultures, we will find traditions that enhance our Christian witness. These three traditions from around the globe standout as opportunities for a followers of Jesus.
Ten Books on Work and Rest
Ten books to read for a deeper dive into the topics of work and rest.
Why Culture Matters for Counseling
Culture matters to counseling. People enter counseling with assumed beliefs about the world from culture. When we understand how culture influences an individual we can better approach the holistic person.
Craig Bartholomew: “The Good News of Jesus Relates to All of Life”
Craig Bartholomew talks secularism, worldview, politics, and more.
Political Chaos and Prophecy: A Call for Discernment among Believers
It’s natural to want to understand current events in the context of the end times. Instead of engaging in speculation, what can we do?
Christians Have Something to Contribute: A Review of ‘Christians in Culture’
Christianity has a rich history with cultural engagement with no shortage of publications on the subject. [1] This […]
How Then Should We Work?
Call for Pitches: The Way of Christ in Politics and the Public Square
Our theme for November is the way of Christ in politics and public square.
Christians as Cultural Antidotes
Headlines: Hurricanes and the 2024 Election (with Nathan Finn, Dan Darling, Kristin Kellen)
We talk hurricane relief, trauma, the Presidential election, job numbers, sports and more with Nathan Finn, Dan Darling, and Kristen Kellen.
2 Cautions for the Spiritual Formation Conversation
Our definitions of spiritual formation can't discounts our embodied humanity.
Why the Sabbath Is Like a Car Door Slamming
Keeping the Sabbath allows us to be who we are truly meant to be.
Quinn: What is the Way of Christ in Culture?
Christians are called to advance the ways of the King in the kingdom – in all of creation.
Rachel Gilson: Parenting Without Panic in an LGBT-Affirming World
Rachel Gilson joins us to discuss parenting in an LGBT-affirming world.
Book Summary: ‘Engaging God’s World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning, and Living’ by Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
A summary of Engaging God's World by Cornelius Plantinga
What Culture Is and How to Destroy It
Culture is difficult to define, but easy to destroy.
After Hurricane Helene: Pray and Act
Prayer is important. But so is giving and going.
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