In less than a month (Feb. 18-20), the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture at Southeastern Seminary will host our latest Faith + Culture Forum, “The Goodness of Creation and Human Responsibility.”
The goal of this virtual conference is to show the integral link between creation and redemption, to explore how evangelicals can recover important biblical themes concerning the goodness of creation, to examine the place and responsibility of humans in creation and to present practical actions we should take now.
I’m excited for this virtual conference. Let me tell you why:
1. The conference covers a topic few people are talking about.
Most of us instinctively know we should be good stewards of the natural world. We may disagree on the particulars of what that looks like, but we don’t go around torching forests and destroying scenic landscapes. Deep down, we all know we should pass on this land and its resources to future generations so they too can “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:28).
Yet, for whatever reason, we rarely talk about this topic in our churches. We freely discuss the Bible’s ethical demands on our personal lives, but we rarely dive into what it says about our relationship to the land beneath our feet.
Similarly, we rarely wade into the waters of the science — specifically, the science regarding creation and climate. If we’re honest, most of us don’t know who or what to trust — and how it all fits into our biblical worldviews.
As a result, I’m thankful that this conference will begin to address these kinds of topics around theology and science, creation and creation care. As believers, we need to know what the Bible says, what the scientists say, and how best to fit the puzzle pieces together.
2. The conference features an eclectic lineup of speakers and topics.
Some kinds of conferences feature a lineup of scientists, while others feature theologians. How often do you get the chance attend a conference with both? “Goodness of Creation and Human Responsibility” is one of those rare opportunities in which scholars from multiple disciplines come together to offer their perspectives on this topic.
Here’s a preview of who’s joining us:
- Alister McGrath — Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford
- Katharine Hayhoe — Climate scientist and endowed professor of public policy and law at Texas Tech University
- Norman Wirzba — Gilbert T. Rowe Distinguished Professor of Theology at Duke University, and a Senior Fellow at Duke’s Kenan Institute for Ethics
- Jonathan Wilson — Senior Consultant for Theological Integration, Canadian Baptist Ministries, and Teaching Fellow, Regent College
- Rusty Pritchard — Vice President of Tearfund USA, a nonprofit dedicated to international relief, community development, and advocacy
- Mark Liederbach — Professor of Theology, Ethics and Culture, Dean of Students, and Vice President for Student Services at Southeastern Seminary
The speaker lineup is eclectic, and so are the lecture topics:
- “Climate Change: Facts, Fictions, and our Faith”
- “Reflections on Theological Motivations for the Care of Creation”
- “Creation Care and Whole-Life Discipleship”
- “Creation Through Christ: What Difference Does it Make?”
- Plus lectures on Francis Schaeffer, gender essentialism and artificial intelligence
This conference truly is one-of-a-kind — both in the speakers who are coming and the topics they plan to address.
3. Did I mention the perks?
When you register for “Goodness of Creation and Human Responsibility,” you’ll not only enjoy eye-opening conversation from gifted scholars. You’ll get a bunch of free books:
- Turning of Days: Lessons from Nature, Season, and Spirit by Hannah Anderson
- God’s Good World: Reclaiming the Doctrine of Creation by Jonathan Wilson (ebook)
- From Nature to Creation: A Christian Vision for Understanding and Loving Our World by Norman Wirzba (ebook)
- C. S. Lewis — A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet by Alister McGrath (ebook)
The value of these books is far greater than the price to register.
So, as you can see, I’m excited about this conference, and I hope you’ll be able to join us. What are you looking forward to? Tell us in the comments.
Join us virtually for
The Goodness of Creation and Human Responsibility.
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