So far in our 2016 recap, we published a list of your favorite articles and a list of the most-read articles. Now, I’m going to share with you a few of my favorites.
Narrowing down the list was insanely difficult. I’ve learned so much from every single article and video Intersect published this year.
To make my task a tad easier, I narrowed down my favorites with three criteria. First, I tried not to pick articles already featured on the favorite and most-read lists (with one notable exception). Second, I only selected one article per author. Third, I chose articles covering a wide variety of topics.
So, without further ado, here are 10 of my favorite Intersect articles of 2016 (in no particular order).
Mistaking the Part for the Whole: Human Value and the Pro-Life Ethic
Hundreds of articles and videos came across my desk this year. All of them were informative. Some altered my opinions. But a handful tangibly changed how my thinking about core convictions. This article, from Amber Bowen, was one of those few. In fact, Amber’s points influenced how I taught about human dignity in my local church.
In this article, Amber explains how the world assigns people value — and she exposes how those alternative models have crept into the church. Finally, she connects it all to the pro-life movement, reshaping how we think about what it means to be pro-life.
Faith and the Farmer
I grew up in a rural area. I minister in a rural area. My grandfather and many of my extended family have worked on farms in rural areas.
Unfortunately, we often overlook rural work in our discussions about faith and work. That’s why I deeply appreciated Cody Cunningham‘s wonderfully written reflections on how important farmers’ work is — and how they can see their work in light of the redeeming work of Christ.
Destroying the Divide Between Pulpit and Pew
The way we talk about vocational ministry often elevates vocational ministry over other jobs. This is not the case, nor should it be, argues Benjamin Quinn.
To make the point, he shares a powerful story from his own life, and he points us to Scripture’s solution — so we can work together to destroy the pulpit-pew divide.
There’s Still Something Special About Election Day
Leading up to the election, millions of people lamented our options for President of the United States, bemoaned the state of American politics or shared doomsday predictions. In a cloud of negativity, this article from Amy Whitfield struck a much different tone — one of hope.
Amy acknowledges that, yes, this election season was difficult. But she reminds us that we are privileged to have a voice and a vote — and that there’s still something special about election day.
Christians & Social Media: Your Spiritual Disciplines Are on Display
Social media has become an enormously important part of our lives. But Laura Thigpen points out a common flaw in how we use social media: too often we allow social media to form our convictions, or we use it as a tool to share our unformed convictions.
Instead, Laura urges us to prioritize spiritual disciplines like meditation, prayer, evangelism and fellowship. And if you’re always crazy busy like me, you need this reminder to slow down, turn of the phone and spend some time with God.
Self-Driving Cars Are Coming to a Road Near You. How Should Christians Respond?
The self-driving car is coming, faster than most of us realize. You may not have considered the ethical concerns behind this new technology, but Clint Little has — and he shares these reflections with us in this fascinating article.
What’s so great about this article is that Clint doesn’t just talk about self-driving cars. He uses this new technology as a platform to build out a brief theology of technology, and he emphasizes that we need Christians in the rooms where such ethical decisions are made. What begins as a discussion of cars ends with a call to engage culture via the workplace. You’ll want to read it for yourself.
You Already Contextualize the Gospel. Do You Do It Well?
Bruce Ashford is one of the leading evangelical voices regarding faith and the public square. In this article, he reminds us that culture is everywhere, and it even influences our evangelism. “The gospel is always expressed in cultural forms and cannot be otherwise,” he writes.
But Dr. Ashford doesn’t just leave us with that truth. He gives us three tips for how to contextualize the gospel well within a given culture. No matter where you minister — from the country to the city — Dr. Ashford’s insights will be beneficial to you.
Proverbs 31 Is for Men, Too
I’ve read Proverbs 31 hundreds of times. And, as a man, I always glossed over it. After all, it only applies to women, right?
Wrong. Walter Strickland takes this familiar passage, and he digs into what the virtuous woman teaches us about work — both in the home and in the marketplace. After reading this article, I’ll never read Proverbs 31 the same way again. To wit: I actually taught and applied Proverbs 31 at a men’s meeting, of all places.
Black Lives vs. Blue Lives: You Don’t Have to Choose
When compiling this list, I tried to pick articles that hadn’t yet been featured in lists of your favorite articles and the most read. But I couldn’t keep this article off the list.
In some of the most tense and divisive moments of 2016, Krystal Wilson delivered this nuanced, helpful perspective on Black Lives Matter vs. Blue Lives Matter. It’s one of the best articles I’ve read on this issue — Christian or otherwise. Read it. Share it. And begin the work of reconciliation.
To Tithe or Not to Tithe? A New Testament Guide to Generous Giving
Should Christians tithe or not? If not, how much should Christians give?
If you’ve ever wondered these questions, do yourself a favor and read this brief article from David Jones. Dr. Jones does us all a favor by examining Scripture’s teaching on giving, and explaining it in a simple yet persuasive way.
Which article was your favorite, and why? Tell us about it in the comments.
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