Leading with Christ’s Love: How Christians Can Flip the Abortion Script
Matthew Kolbs offers encouraging resources for better advocating for the preborn
Leading with Christ’s Love: How Christians Can Flip the Abortion Script
Matthew Kolbs offers encouraging resources for better advocating for the preborn
Understanding Suicide with Sam Williams – EP 176
Dr. Williams and Dr. Quinn discuss the way of Christ in understanding suicide.
Love Thy Neighbor: Protecting Vulnerable Women from Commercial Surrogacy
Impoverished women need advocacy and protection when navigating commercial surrogacy businesses.
How to Die in Christ
Stephen Howard explores how to engage death and suffering within a culture that traditionally avoids pain.
What is Embryo Adoption? Part II: Embryo Adoption & Traditional Adoption
Embryo adoption provides another avenue for Christians to live out a pro-life ethic.
Quinn: What is the Way of Christ in Life?
Dr. Quinn introduces the way of Christ in life as we consider the importance of being pro-life from womb to tomb.
Walking with Friends through Infertility
In seasons when loved ones face “life issues” that weigh heavily, you may feel pressure to provide definitive answers. Know that we don’t always need you to have the perfect answer.
What is Embryo Adoption?
Embryo Adoption is the process of genetic parents donating unused embryos to a couple seeking to bring them through pregnancy to birth. This is typically mediated through adoption agencies, and the process is intended to mirror that of a traditional adoption as embryo adoption is not creating life, but caring well for life that is already created. Ultimately, embryo adoption exists as a response to the injustice of unregulated biomedical technologies.
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