
Love Thy Neighbor: Protecting Vulnerable Women from Commercial Surrogacy

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Editor's Note

This article is a part of our series, The Way of Christ in Life.

Christians believe that all human beings possess inherent value because all people—from womb to tomb—are made in God’s image. God stated that he “created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). Christians tend to focus on protecting God’s image-bearers in the womb, which exists as an important, biblical, and morally praiseworthy endeavor. However, we sometimes forget about protecting vulnerable women from reproductive techniques like commercial surrogacy.

Perhaps many Christians are unaware that women around the world are contracted to carry another couple’s child to term. In fact, many believers may not realize that commercial surrogacy exists as a multi-billion-dollar business. This means that women who find themselves in financial distress or live in poverty are ideal candidates for this reproductive contract. Therefore, my goal in this article is to encourage followers of Jesus to protect women from being physically, emotionally, and financially exploited by the “baby making” industry.

Commercial surrogacy and its business model place lower class women into a position of servitude to those who are wealthy, much like Hagar was to Abram and Sarai. The same concepts of power, servitude, and using someone less fortunate resemble the same problems associated with this type of reproductive contract.

Compassion for the Childless

Before I begin, bioethical issues like infertility are an emotionally charged subject both inside and outside the church.  Pastors and ministry leaders need to navigate these questions with biblical discernment, compassion, and prayer. Couples who are unable to conceive or women who have medical conditions that prevent them from becoming pregnant might perceive this subject  to be insensitive to their situation. Let me assure you, that is not my intent. I feel godly compassion for you in your struggle to have children, which is what we were biologically created to do. I acknowledge your hurt and want to be sensitive to your pain. That is why this article focuses on commercial surrogacy rather than altruistic surrogacy because the former can exploit women who are vulnerable to selling their bodies—their reproductive system specifically—for money. As Christians who are called to love our neighbors, we must think of ways to protect these people made in God’s image just as much as we care for those who wrestle with infertility or medical conditions that prevent them to bear a child.

What is Commercial Surrogacy?

Commercial surrogacy is when a couple implants a human being with differing DNA into another woman’s uterus. The surrogate has no biological connection to the baby she carries and delivers. The egg and the sperm can come from a variety of avenues, but the baby conceived through artificial means does not have the surrogate’s genes. Most of the time these women do not contribute the egg for legal reasons—i.e., the child is hers, so she has a right to keep her child instead of giving it over to the contracting couple.

Commercial surrogacy exists as an arrangement where the couple pays the woman carrying their child. Contracts are often drafted to state that the people who employ the woman’s womb for the child’s gestation are going to pay for her medical bills, living expenses, and a stipend once the baby has been delivered. To put it another way, the surrogate receives payment for “renting” her womb.

The Baby Making Business

Commercial surrogacy has become big business. It has been estimated that these companies have generated around 17.9 billion dollars of revenue in 2023, which is an increase of $11.9 billion since 2018.[1] Some economists are predicting that commercial surrogacy could be worth around 129 billion dollars over the next ten years.[2]

We must recognize that this form of reproductive arrangement is not altruistic in nature. Many, if not the majority, of these arrangements are not like a sister helping one of her siblings. Commercial surrogacy exists as a contractual obligation between a woman and a couple with little to no relationship. This makes the nature of this business model attractive to women needing money. By being in servitude to those who are wealthy, commercial surrogacy can exploit low-income women.

Exploiting Low-Income Women into Servitude

While the components of commercial surrogacy and Hagar’s pregnancy are not identical, the concern for the exploitation of vulnerable women to those in positions of affluence seems to be morally problematic in Scripture. In Genesis 16, Sarai was barren. She gave her Egyptian servant, Hagar, to Abram so that the two of them could produce a child. The Bible does not reveal if this was consensual or if Hagar was exploited for being Sarai’s servant. The text does say that Abram did not treat Hagar in the same manner that he treated Sarai (Genesis 16:6). After Hagar conceives a child with Abram, conflict arises between the two women. We can expect relational problems when we do not function in accordance with God’s design.

Abram’s words to Sarai imply that Hagar may have been taken advantage of due to her position as Sarai’s servant. Abram told Sarai after he was made aware of their conflict, “Behold, your servant is in your power; do to her as you please” (Genesis 16:6). Notice Abram’s language. He does not call Hagar his second wife. He reminded Sarai that she has power over Hagar because Hagar was her servant. From this context, it seems that Hagar, this Egyptian servant to Sarai, was exploited by a husband and wife to bear them a child.

Commercial surrogacy and its business model  place lower class women into a position of servitude to those who are wealthy, much like Hagar was to Abram and Sarai. The same concepts of power, servitude, and using someone less fortunate resemble the same problems associated with this type of reproductive contract. Those economically less fortunate can be used by another couple to satisfy their desire for a child. Commercial surrogacy  exploits women to servitude for the renting of their womb by those who are rich.

A Call to Protect the Vulnerable

Christianity has fought to protect the sanctity of human life. The Christian faith affirms that all people are made in God’s image. Believers desire for all people to flourish in life without being exploited due to societal vulnerabilities. Jesus teaches his followers that women are not to be used by others, but have a place and full rights in his kingdom. As Christians speak against and hesitate to participate in commercial surrogacy, we need to be the primary voice for protecting vulnerable women from exploitation in the billion-dollar commercial surrogacy business.

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Jeremy Bell

Jeremy Bell serves as the senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Holland, Texas. He is married to Katie, and father of Avery, Landon, Addilyn, Lincoln, and Levi. Jeremy is a three-time graduate of Southeastern (M.Div, ThM, and PhD). You can find more of Jeremy's thoughts over at

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