What Makes Work Christian?
As I continued to read and learn, I discovered that I my work is Christian when my work manifests Christian conduct, character, and goals.
We seek to advance the way of Christ in work and rest.
What Makes Work Christian?
As I continued to read and learn, I discovered that I my work is Christian when my work manifests Christian conduct, character, and goals.
Youth Workers, Equip Your Students to Integrate Faith and Work
Whatever the color of the collar, every vocation has a place to play in God’s Kingdom.
Jamie and Tara Dew: Service, Formation, and Burnout
Jamie and Tara Dew join us to talk about service, work, calling, burnout, and formation.
Missie Branch: Being Faithful Where You Are
Missie Branch joins us to discuss why work is important, how it looks different for men and women, and much more.
The Witness of Hard Work in a Time of Quiet Quitting
In this cultural moment of work-life (im)balance, your hard work “as to the Lord” serves as a witness to the gospel.
The Eternal Value of Cleaning My House
The unseen work of cleaning my home has formed me to see people differently and care for them better.
Christ Is Sovereign Over Your Cubicle
God-less work goes against the created order. God-filled work leads to flourishing and fulfillment.
Brian Ayers: Work Is Worship (Plus: A Conversation about ‘Rings of Power’)
What does it look like to bring faith into the workplace? Brian Ayers explores this question. Also, Drs. Adrianne Miles and Anna Daub talk about 'Rings of Power.'
When Your Work Isn’t Seen
We can live faithfully as we work in all the ways that only God sees.
What a Little-Known Monk Can Teach Us About Work
When we follow Brother Lawrence's example, we can do ordinary tasks in an extraordinary way.
“Being the ‘Salt’ of Jesus in the Workplace”: A Business as Mission Panel
What does it look like to be faithful in the workplace? Benjamin Quinn talks Mark Whitacre, Craig Williams, Chad Merrill, and Bill Peterson.
Seminary Student, Don’t Waste the Job You Have Right Now
Seminary student, that part-time job you have isn't just a means to a paycheck. Love God and love people, especially those you work with.
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