Online Fellowship: A Complement, Not a Replacement, of the Church
Put simply, the more Christians fellowship, the more they mature. And the Internet provides fallow ground for fellowship.
Online Fellowship: A Complement, Not a Replacement, of the Church
Put simply, the more Christians fellowship, the more they mature. And the Internet provides fallow ground for fellowship.
Manifestation and Mental Illness: A False Gospel?
When it comes to our theology of mental health, the Church has bought into the lie of “Spiritual Illness” which is actually just a baptized form of a pagan ideology.
Infertility & Miscarriage Roundtable: Kristin Kellen, Jenn Hesse, Kelsey Hamilton, & Megan Dickerson
“Vulnerability breeds vulnerability.” In this roundatble discussion, Megan Dickerson talks to Dr. Kristin Kellen, Jenn Hesse, and Kelsey Hamilton about infertility and miscarriage.
Therapy Dogs and the Grace of God: A Q&A with Jennifer Bleakley
Therapy dogs boldly and unashamedly enter into people’s pain and offer their steady presence.
Erin Smith: Your Brain and Spiritual Formation
What hath the brain to do with spiritual formation? Dr. Erin Smith joins us to discuss what the latest in psychology teaches us about our Christian life.
How Understanding Trauma Helps Us Love God Better
Understanding trauma will help Christians recognize those struggling around us, get them the help they need quicker, and love them well.
Todd Hall: Loved into Loving
What can psychology reveal about spiritual formation? Dr. Todd Hall joins us to discuss.
Todd Hall: A Psychological-Theological Paradigm for Spiritual Transformation
Watch Todd Hall's lecture from Exploring Personhood: Human Formation.
Kristin Kellen: A Response on Human Formation
Watch Kristin Kellen's talk from Exploring Personhood: Human Formation.
Warren Kinghorn: Loving the Hopeless During the Holidays
Dr. Warren Kinghorn of Duke Divinity School returns to the podcast to discuss loving the hopeless during Christmas.
Erin Smith: Trauma and Children’s Ministry
Dr. Erin Smith is a developmental psychologist, and she joins us to discuss how churches can serve children who’ve experienced trauma.
J. P. Moreland, Ross Inman, and Sam Williams: Mental Health and the Human Person
J. P. Moreland, Ross Inman, and Sam Williams discuss mental health and the nature of the human person in this Library Talk at Southeastern Seminary.
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