
“Reviving the American Dream” | Bruce Ashford’s Summer Reading Recommendation

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As summer begins, we want to help you craft the perfect Summer Reading List. We asked Southeastern Seminary professors what books they would recommend, and we’ll share their recommendations in coming weeks.

Today, Dr. Bruce Ashford recommends a book for your summer reading list.

A Time to Build: From Family and Community to Congress and the Campus, How Recommitting to Our Institutions Can Revive the American Dream
By Yuval Levin (Basic Books, 2020)

Ashford: The United States of America is experiencing a series of social, cultural and political convulsions. In A Time to Build, Yuval Levin explores this reality and argues that one of the most important things Americans can do is to build and rebuild our institutions—our families, churches, businesses, and political institutions.

Now, Levin argues, is not a time to tear down but to build and rebuild. I agree with Levin, 100%.

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  • Summer Reading List
Bruce Ashford

Bruce Riley Ashford is the author or co-author of six books, including 'The Gospel of Our King' (Baker, 2019), 'Letters to an American Christian' (B&H, 2018), 'One Nation Under God: A Christian Hope for American Politics' (B&H, 2015), and 'Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians' (Lexham, 2015).

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