
5 Quotes on Faith and Culture from Bruce Ashford’s ‘Every Square Inch’

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Culture. How should Christians think about culture, and should we care about it at all?

Bruce Ashford answers these questions (and more) in his book Every Square Inch (Lexham, 2016). In it, Ashford explains how Jesus is Lord over everything and how his lordship should shape every aspect of life.

Here are five quotes from Ashford’s book on faith and culture.

As Christians, God wants us to live every aspect of our lives in a way that is shaped by our belief that Christ is Lord.

How the gospel affects our lives.

“As Christians, God wants us to live every aspect of our lives in a way that is shaped by our belief that Christ is Lord.” (5)

Faith matters every day in every place.

“We must live Christianly not only as the Church gathered on Sunday morning for worship, but also as the Church scattered into the world in our work, leisure, and community life.” (20)

Christ works to transform every aspect of our lives.

“Because of Christ’s redemption, we are new creatures. God has transformed us so that we live in an entirely different manner than we did before. That transformation affects all of the things we do, including our cultural activities.” (19)

We can be a preview of the kingdom.

“We proclaim Christ and the gospel with our lips (word), and we promote Christ and the gospel with our lives (deed). In so doing, we offer to the world a preview of that future era when Christ rules the heavens and earth.” (20)

Why we can’t ignore culture.

“To ignore culture is to ignore the cultural institutions that shape people’s lives and that will point people either toward Christ or against him.” (130)

  • culture
Bruce Ashford

Bruce Riley Ashford is the author or co-author of six books, including 'The Gospel of Our King' (Baker, 2019), 'Letters to an American Christian' (B&H, 2018), 'One Nation Under God: A Christian Hope for American Politics' (B&H, 2015), and 'Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians' (Lexham, 2015).

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